Replacement Constitution

uktug-announce at uktug-announce at
Tue Oct 2 10:10:01 CEST 2007

Dear UK TUG member,

At the 2006 AGM a motion was passed which stated: "That the
Committee prepare a draft replacement Constitution for UK TUG, based
upon the Model Constitution for a Charitable Unincorporated
Association provided by the Charity Commission, and that this draft
replacement Constitution be circulated to members for comment not
later than three calendar months before the 2007 AGM."

Over the past few months the committee have been working hard to draft
a new constitution. Unfortunately we are a little late distributing a
draft to the members, due in part to the complexity of the process,
other issues which have taken priority, and a lack of man power on the

We are now asking for your help. We have taken the Charity Commission
draft constitution as the starting point for the new constitution and
attempted to adapt it to the specific role of UK TUG, while also
keeping in mind that the UK TUG is not currently a registered charity.

We are now circulating this draft to all members, and you will find it
on our website, at

And the
directory contains all the drafts, and their diffs, to date.

We have added a number of explanatory notes to the draft
where we think it is helpful - it is not our intention that such notes
will form part of the final constitution.

Here's where we need your help. We need our members to be happy with
the constitution, and that means we need feedback on this draft from
you. Will this draft serve UK TUG and its aims and goals effectively?
Is there something that you feel should be added or clarified? Is
there anything in here that you feel should be removed?

Very specifically, the committee has had some difficulty working out
how best to adjust the constitution to better reflect the increasing
electronic nature of the organization. By this we mean issues such as:

- making allowance for electronic voting on AGM motions (and also
motions at special general meetings)

- how to facilitate discussion on motions electronically such that all
members are included

- how best to allow the committee to conduct its business
electronically, including the passing of motions

- how to allow for electronic voting in committee and chairman elections

- how to define a quorum when people are contributing electronically

So please, take the time to give this draft your attention. We have
set up a mailing list (uktug-constitution at specifically
to allow us all to discuss this draft. Please go to

to join this list and contribute your thoughts. If you would rather
send your comments to the committee in written form, please mail
comments to the UK TUG chairman.

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