[Tugindia] Increasing size of legends in plots

Asha G dendron.15 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 08:29:37 CEST 2011

I have a lot of plots in a paper I am writing. They are plotted in gnuplot
and the figures are in .eps files.
I have written my paper in LaTeX using kile.

Now when I compile - LaTex, LaTex, BibTex, LaTeX - the legends, labels on
the x,y axes all are almost invisible. In fact to make it visible is one of
the reviewers comments.

I have tried using psfrag for each letter - but it only comes up on the
plots randomly. All words are not psfragged.

Can someone tell me what  is going on and help me sort this out. I really do
not want to plot all the figures all over again.


Asha Gopinathan

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