[Tugindia] pdfrack

Shrisha Rao shrao at nyx.net
Sun Jan 9 17:11:01 CET 2011

El ene 7, 2011, a las 1:53 p.m., Asha G escribió:

> I also sent an email to Boyce and have not heard from him yet.
> I am curious how other people send their papers for publication - with all
> the figures and captions in TeX or do you just leave it regular text to be
> corrected by the journal later on ?

Initial submission generally only requires a PDF, which can be generated using any means necessary.  For final submissions most journals expect LaTeX source code and accessories (*.bib/*.bbl file, *.eps images, etc.) these days, with some constraints (e.g., with some restrictions on naming of files, etc.).  It is generally safe to use the journal's own class and other template files (e.g., IEEEtran.cls, IEEEtran.bst, and similar files by Springer, Elsevier, ACM, etc.).  I generally use these even for the initial submission, as journals usually rush things after acceptance, leaving little time for moving a paper produced using the usual article class to the journal format.


Shrisha Rao

> Asha Gopinathan

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