[Tugindia] Beamer Class

Asha G dendron.15 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 01:35:47 CEST 2008

> The simple pause works in beamer. The following code under beamer class
> will do the job:
> \begin{frame}\frametitle{uncover incrementally }$ a=0$see this \pause and
> then that \pause\begin{equation}   a=\pause b+ \pause
> c\end{equation}\end{frame}
> If you want to color your math red, put this in the preamble:
> \setbeamercolor{math text}{fg=red}
> It is possible to use  different colors for inline and displayed math.
> To make the color of the background reddish at the bottom and yellowish at
> the top, add this before the frame:
> \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical
> shading][bottom=red!20,top=yellow!30]
> I find beamer very versatile.
> Phadke
> I have used the following code to get line to line displays ( incremental

\frametitle{outline of talk}
\item <1-> text
\item <2-> text
\item <3-> text
\item <4-> text
\item <5-> equation
\item <6-> equation
\item <7-> txt
\item <8-> txt

Hope it is helpful. Thanks Shrivijay for the color input and the pause too.
Will try that out.

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