[Tugindia] \nomenclature in Texmaker?

Shruthi Jayaram shruthi.jayaram.85 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 12:40:04 CEST 2008

I am trying to make a List of Abbreviations in my document and have
been following the steps below, but am not sure how to do step 5,
given that I am not working in a Unix environment and that I am
working in Texmaker for Windows.
Would be grateful for any help on this!

1. Insert \usepackage{nomencl} and \makenomenclature at the beginning
of the tex file (before \begin{document}).
2. Insert \printnomenclature[distance] at that position in the tex
file, where the list of abbreviations should be listed. The parameter
distance defines the distance (e.g. 2.5 cm) between Abbreviation and
3. Insert the abbreviation in the tex as short and long form:
4. Execute latex file.tex twice.
5. Execute makeindex file.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o file.nls
6. Execute latex file.tex

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