[Tugindia] Cross-referencing using hyperref

Nina Mazumdar nina.mazumdar at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 16:00:57 CEST 2008

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 12:24 PM, aniruddha majumder
<invincible19812000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Nina,
>  Thanks for your suggestion.
> You are right, I meant hyperlinking. I am sorry that I did not quite
> understand later part of your instruction. Let me inform you that I am new
> user of TeX system and I use WinEdt 5.5 to edit TeX files.
> The way now I include eps graphics is, I run LaTeX on the source file and
> then run dvi to pdf, which is working fine. In addition, I want to hyperlink
> my report. For that I am using following preamble,
> \usepackage[dvips,backref,colorlinks=true,citecolor=blue]{hyperref}
> Now, if I run LateX and then dvi to pdf, the text are not hyperlinked.

That is puzzling.  Can you send me a small specimen TeX file with
problem to me off list? I shall get back to you at the earliest.

Best regards


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