[Tugindia] Math Operators

vanchinathan at vsnl.net vanchinathan at vsnl.net
Tue Jun 1 12:17:11 CEST 2004

This is about Manjusha Joshi's question.

Have the following definition somewhere in the beginning.

\def\Max{\mathop{{\rm Max}}}

Now you can use it  something like  $$\Max_{x\in A} $$.

\mathop is simply one of the class of similar declarations available with
Knuth's original plain TeX.
\mathbin{foo} would cause "foo" to be printed with spaces on either side
as in a "binary" operation symbol such as "+" in a math exepression.
"foo" need not be a single symbol. It can be an expression too.

So one possible way to get two rows of subscripts to the summation symbol
is this:

$$\mathop{ {\sum^\infty_{n=0} }_{n\ \rm even} $$


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