[Tugindia] TeX Live CD. How to order

Radhakrishnan CV cvr at river-valley.org
Thu Oct 2 04:11:03 CEST 2003

>>>>> "Sridhar" == Sridhar M A <mas at uomphysics.net> writes:


    Sridhar> I have a problem: I cannot resume disconnected downloads
    Sridhar> using wget on linux. Does not sarovar support that
    Sridhar> feature? This would be a problem as we will not be able
    Sridhar> to download the whole image in one shot.

You're right, Sridhar. I am copying this mail to Rajkumar, Admin of
sarovar.org for necessary action.

Raj, is it possible to have the resume facility at sarovar?  If not,
people may not be able to download the huge ISO images in one go.

By the way, 60 downloads have already been recorded for TeXLive at
sarovar, which is amazing.



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