[Tugindia] [OT] Groff v/s LaTeX

H S Rai hsraidce at iitr.ernet.in
Sat Mar 1 10:54:26 CET 2003

Are  `groff' and  `LaTeX'  serve  the same  purpose  with almost  same
capability? I heard  some one  talking about `groff'  for mathematical
paper writing and that fellow has never used LaTeX. The comparison may
only be  done by a  person who have be  exposed to both. Is  there any
such person  who can let  me know or suggest  some link for  the same,
about difference between them and which are the situations where groff
fail and LaTeX work and vice versa.


Getting into trouble is easy.       -- D. Winkel and F. Prosser

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