[Tugindia] pdfLatex, pdftricks and ps4pdf

Manoj KUMMINI kummini at math.ukans.edu
Tue Aug 26 08:36:11 CEST 2003

On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 16:29:43hrs -0400, Ashis Kumar Mal wrote:

> There seem to have n number of ways of reaching pdf. And even
> more number of pages on the net releated to pdf conversion.I 
> have few  doubts.
> 1. Are pdfTeX and pdfLateX equivalent ?
Yes, but, as the names suggest, pdfTeX works on plain TeX sources while
pdfLaTeX works on LaTeX sources.

> 3. a) Whats the most safe/easy of way making a (type-1) pdf from LaTeX ?

dvips -Ppdf -G0

A short, but informative, discourse on generating PDF is available with the
IEEEtran.cls bundle. You can download it from IEEE (http://www.ieee.org/)
or from CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran.  Look for a file called

>    b) If there are figures are in pstricks/xfig ?

If you are using the method described above, figures in pstricks and eps
figures from xfig will be compiled as usual.

With regards,

Manoj Kummini
Graduate Student, Dept. of Mathematics, The Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence KS 66045 USA.  38 deg 55 min N, 95 deg 14 min W.

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