[Tugindia] Wide circulation of TUG Proceedings

Radhakrishnan CV tugindia@tug.org
06 Oct 2002 21:19:43 +0530

>>>>> "HSR" == H S Rai <hsraidce@iitr.ernet.in> writes:

    HSR> IMHO, if we give wide cirulation to proceedings of TUG, then
    HSR> popularity and penetration of TeX will increase. Is it
    HSR> possible (if not done earlier) to get the proceeding
    HSR> published from of good publisher 

No, it is the property of TUG now and one of the coming issues of
TUGBoat will be the TUG2002 proceedings.

    HSR> who can sell good number of copies to target persons and
    HSR> Libraries, or if TUG can donate copies of proceeding to
    HSR> selected Libraries?

Are you serious to believe that people are interested in the
proceedings? I doubt they're, Rai.
