[Tugindia] First impression of "devnag"

H S Rai tugindia@tug.org
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 17:28:03 +0530 (IST)

I installed and used "devnag" package to get output in Hindi, just out
of curiosity,  as it is not  my requirement. Though I have  never used
Hindi  or any  other  regional language,  but it  is  my feeling  that
"phonetic  based entry"  should be  bad as  compare to  normal way  of
typing because it seems un-natural to type Hindi in English. Anyhow, I
experimented little with dev and found it is very difficult to produce
what you want using preprocessor. Rather it is easier to type directly
in tex file and no need to use pre-processor.

I tries  to get my name  in Hindi. I failed to  get using preprocessor
after a large  number of trials, but  I could get it  while working in
tex file directly with much less number of trials.

"Hardeep Singh Rai" will be written in tex as "hrdFp Es\2G rAy"

What is the experience of other list members.


A computer program  will always do what  you tell it to  do but rarely
what you want to do.