[tlu] new beta

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at icloud.com
Wed Feb 2 17:02:50 CET 2022

> On 2 Feb 2022, at 16:32, Adam R. Maxwell via tlu <tlu at tug.org> wrote:
> https://github.com/amaxwell/tlutility/releases/download/1.53b11/TeX.Live.Utility.app-1.53b11.zip
> Apparently the .xcodeproj wasn't included in the commit. The perils of developing on one computer and building on a different one.

> On 2 Feb 2022, at 09:08, Adam R. Maxwell via tlu <tlu at tug.org> wrote:
> Latest beta has a rewrite of the update checker; it's a straight port from PyObjC to Objective-C. You can test it using
> /path/to/TeX\ Live\ Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/texliveupdatecheck
> in Terminal. The code to install it and schedule it is _not_ in place, and will take some additional thought for future versioning and updates.

Regarding the latter, I imagine what I got, when I went to Configure > Schedule TeX Live Update Checks and obtained in the log

2022-02-02 15:51:49 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][2312]	Failed executing `/Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/agent_installer.py --install --plist /var/folders/1r/dhdtft1s4qgfjwbcpkfhqf5c0000gn/T/TLMLaunchAgentController/com.googlecode.mactlmgr.update_check.plist --script /Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/Resources/update_check.py` (error 127)
2022-02-02 15:51:49 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][2312]	env: python: No such file or directory
2022-02-02 15:51:49 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _handleLaunchAgentInstallFinishedNotification:][2312]	Finished running launchd agent installer script

is precisely what you mean by "The code to install it and schedule it is _not_ in place".

I had tried that before reading the detail of your message, then read it and realized the observed behaviour is probably normal.

Other than that, I tried in a Terminal window

/Applications/TeX/TeX\ Live\ Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/texliveupdatecheck

and it seems to have run successfully since I did not get any error message back. At the same time, with TLU already open, I saw appearing in the log

2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMAppController handleGetURLEvent:withReplyEvent:][2312]	Requesting listing from location https://texlive.mycozy.space/systems/texlive/tlnet
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache downloadIconForURL:delegate:][2312]	Will look for favicon at https://texlive.mycozy.space/favicon.ico
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache downloadIconForURL:delegate:][2312]	Will look for favicon at https://texlive.mycozy.space/favicon.ico
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][2312]	Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][2312]	Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache connectionDidFinishLoading:][2312]	Finished downloading favicon of length 162
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][2312]	Downloaded 16129 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2022-02-02 15:55:04 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _refreshUpdatedPackageListFromLocation:][2312]	Refreshing list of updated packages…
2022-02-02 15:55:06 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][2312]	Successfully executed `/Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr --machine-readable --repository https://texlive.mycozy.space/systems/texlive/tlnet update --list --all`
2022-02-02 15:55:06 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][2312]	start load https://texlive.mycozy.space/systems/texlive/tlnet
finish load https://texlive.mycozy.space/systems/texlive/tlnet

so it looks like that's the anticipated behaviour.


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