[tlu] Thank you and a note.

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Fri Jan 16 15:49:38 CET 2015

> On Jan 15, 2015, at 12:56 , Edward Thome <ethome at murraystate.edu> wrote:
> I ran TeX Live Utility again and received another "Listing Failed".
> Looking at the log file again, I noticed a syntax error at
> TeX Live Utility/Contents/MacOS/parse_tipdb.py in line 368 with
>   except OSError as e:
> I changed that line to
>   except (OSError, ValueError), e:

This indicates to me that you're using a different Python version
than the one shipped with OS X. The current version of TLU should
give you a warning in that case, though. Can you post a complete


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