[tlu] new beta

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Mon Sep 30 01:36:17 CEST 2013

On Sep 29, 2013, at 03:41 , Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at icloud.com> wrote:

> Works OK here (10.8.5 build 12F37), but that's very limited testing, ie performing daily update with TLU. 


> Is /etc/launchd.config the only place where launchd customizations could be stored, or are there other places that should be inspected inside ~ or {~,}/Launch{Agents,Daemons}, some invisible config files somewhere?



Read `man launchd.conf` for an out of date summary.

> Similarly, regarding Python, I have /Library/Python/2.{3,5,6,7}, but no idea which one is actually used or what put them there. 
> so I imagine the fact Current is a symlink to 2.7 means 2.7 is the current version, the one actually used by OS X.

Yep, 2.7 is default now on 10.7 and 10.8. It was 2.5 on 10.5.x, 2.6 on 10.6.x.

> Finally, regarding the QuickLook-like panel in Get info, I'm not sure what you're referring to. Is this the QuickLook panel that appears when you press Space or Cmd-Y with the Info panel for a package upfront and the document icon selected? Like this
> <Capture d’écran 2013-09-29 à 12.23.28.png>

Yes, exactly that. It's part of a framework that I developed for BibDesk to show file icons. On 10.6 and earlier, it uses its own pseudo-Quick Look window, which allows copying and supports more file types. Unfortunately, my window doesn't look at all like the Quick Look window on 10.7 and later, which would be a lot of work to mimic. However, 10.7 and 10.8 now allow copying text from QL windows if you set a hidden default:


I enable this for applications using my framework, so you don't have to muck with the command line, but it's a great trick for Finder and others.


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