[tldistro] Q: Plans for submission to Windows Package Manager?

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Sat Apr 29 08:13:47 CEST 2023

Hi Johannes,

> first time poster. I am not sure if this is the correct mailing list.
> Forgive me if it isn't.

perfectly fine.

> I am a Windows User, since 2021 under Windows there is a CLI to manage
> packages (winget). My humble question is whether there are any plans to
> bring texlive to winget?

No, no plans.

There are independent packaging efforts for Chocolatey, but I/we don't
know anyone working on winget.

And since most of us are not working on Windows, and don't want to work
on Windows, we rely on volunteers to drive forward similar efforts.

All the best


PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Mercari Inc.     +     IFMGA Guide     +     TU Wien     +     TeX Live
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