[tldistro] TexLive on MSYS2

Naveen M K naveen at syrusdark.website
Fri Apr 23 11:33:27 CEST 2021


>>> 	language.def
>>> 	language.dat.lua
>>> 	language.dat
>> No. Those are all the defaults.
> Not good.

Looks like Archlinux maintainers don't do so.

	   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.dat \
    	  cp -a 
"$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.def \


I was in the impression that copying that should be working, but no it 
didn't. Their source archive seems to include `hyphen-afrikaans` so they 
may not have that problem.

Now, what I should do is similar to `*.fmts` and `*.maps`, I should 
create one `<package-name>.def` and `<package-name>.dat` while building 
the source archive and then save it in 
`"$pkgdir"/var/lib/texmf/msys2/installedpkgs/<package-name>.*`, and fix 
the fmtutil hook to create `language.*` similar to how `fmtutil.cnf` are 
created from `*.fmts`, and finally run `fmtutil-sys`.

> The generated files that need to be adjusted to the packages actually
> installed are
> 	updmap.cfg	tlpdb execute addMap, addMixedMap, addKanjiMap
> 	fmtutil.cnf	tlpdb execute addFormat
> 	language.*	tlpdb execute addHyphen

First two are already done. And for the last one I should parse `execute 
AddHyphen` from `texlive.tlpdb`. I think it should be so hard to 
actually, let me see.

> Probably easier to look into the three files, understand the format, and
> write the code in Python yourself.

Yes, I am going to do that :).

> Well, yes, by tlmgr. But you have to do this as distribuor in a
> different way since tlmgr is not called.

Yes, this is done already.

> Yes, that should happen also for the above language.* files.


> Yes, hooks for the languages files needs to be created.

I plan to mix it with the hook for `fmtutil`.



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