[tldistro] TexLive on MSYS2

Naveen M K naveen at syrusdark.website
Thu Apr 8 10:32:22 CEST 2021

Hi Norbert,

>> First, get `texlive.tlpdb` from one of the mirrors. Then, that must be
> You need to use the very same tlpdb that is used for the actual
> packages (archive/*.tar.xz), not "any".

Currently what I do is, see where http://mirror.ctan.org redirects, then 
I get <mirror>/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb and then parse 
it and then download from the same mirror in 
<mirror>/systems/texlive/tlnet/archive/*.tar.xz. Is that right? If those 
mirrors didn't work after few retry's, the final fallback was using 
https://texlive.info/(I think I shouldn't do so).

> THere are Perl modules in tlpkg/TeXLive/ which are the authorative API
> modules. Then there is a very old
> 	Master/tlpkg/archive/lib/python/TeXLive.py

I wrote one myself ...

First, I don't know Perl. Second, parsing `texlive.tlpdb` was simple 
enough with plain regex strings and some python utilities. Third, I 
didn't know there exists utilities for achieving the same.

If things didn't work and I can't fix it, I will use those, thanks.

> Yes (btw, there is an utility function in TeXLive/TLUtils.pm that does
> the parsing and constructing of proper fmtutil.cnf/updmap.cfg lines 

Again, I wrote one myself python. So let me see when things didn't work.
Maybe I should learn perl?

> Yes, but don't forget there is also MixedMap and KanjiMap 

Add `MixedMap` but forgot about `KanjiMap`, need to look into it, thanks.

> Yes, basically that is the idea. Don't forget to install runscript.tlu
> into the same directory as the binaries (AFAIR...)

It's already in place.


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