[tldistro] Texdoc installation

Ken Moffat zarniwhoop at ntlworld.com
Thu Nov 15 18:57:04 CET 2018

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 11:29:05PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> > As someone who builds texlive from source, mostly linked to system
> I am in the very same situation as you, since I'm doing the Debian
> packages which are of course build from source.
> > libs, I've never found a way to get a working tlpdb (probably I'm too
> That has *NOTHING* to do with building the binaries from source.
> How do you get all the files from in texmf-dist? You copy them at some
> point. And at the same time you *HAVE*TO* use the tlpdb in
> 	tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> which corresponds to the files in texmf-dist.

Thanks.  For texmf-dist I usually copy the release.  Yes, I see now
that I copy texk/tests/TeXLive/* to /opt/texlive/2018/tlpkg/TeXLive.

> Since the tlpdb is only rebuild once a day in svn, I use the tlnet
> distribution from CTAN to build the debian packages. There the tlpdb is
> provided, *exactly* agrees with what files are installed.
> > stupid) but until now texdoc has worked fine and I don't *want* to
> > download updated binaries.
> Again, this has *nothing* to do with binaries, but with texdoc which is
> a script that updated not in the yearly binary update rythm, but with
> every update on CTAN.
> If you need help in your packaging, let me know. But I assure you that
> it is possible. I did it.
> All the best
> Norbert
Many thanks for pointing that out - the detail of how it all fits
together overwhelms me every time I look at it, and I think I was
confusing this with something else (doing a distro install and
hoping to support updates).

I'll stop worrying and go back to thinking about what is likely to
go wrong in an upcoming svn merge unrelated to this.


If a man stands before a mirror and sees in it his reflection, what
he sees is not a true reproduction, but a picture of himself when he
was a younger man.        -- de Selby

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