[tldistro] tlmgr lose functions in packages built from source

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Thu Nov 19 02:25:30 CET 2009

On Do, 19 Nov 2009, Grissiom wrote:
> It seems tlmgr is missing some components after installation. Is there
> anyway to fix it?


That is to be expected.

Distributions are supposed *not* to ship tlmgr, as it is for package
upgrades, and that should be done by the distributions package manager
and not by tlmgr.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining                                        Associate Professor
JAIST Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology   preining at jaist.ac.jp
Vienna University of Technology                               preining at logic.at
Debian Developer (Debian TeX Task Force)                    preining at debian.org
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