[tlbuild] dvi test?

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Fri Jan 28 09:06:39 CET 2022

Just in case this is useful:

For me, John's sample only crashes if R is used on the FIRST page.

John said that it was difficult to construct a small test case, but he finally got a sample that reliably crashed. I thought it would be fun to pare away extraneous things in his sample,
and I arranged an easy cycle where I commented out lines in TeXShop,  typeset, and then opened the result in xdvi and tried R. To my surprise, removing almost anything fixes the problem. John's sample is like a little puzzle where every piece matters! 

For example, removing "\section{Table of Authorities}" on page one fixes the problem. In the next line, I was able to remove everything except "\sc  a". without removing the bug. But almost everything else in the sample is needed. I tried removing the final paragraph on page three. That fixed the bug. 


One final observation. When commenting out a line fixed the bug, I'd leave the file open in xdvi, add the line back in the source, and recompile in TeXShop. The FIRST time I then tried R on page one, there was no crash. But the second time I tried R on that page, there was always a crash. So the first time a broken file is displayed seems to work, and it is the repeat display that fails.



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