[tlbuild] PPC builds

luigi scarso luigi.scarso at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 20:14:16 CET 2020

On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 12:19 AM Johannes Hielscher <jhielscher at posteo.de>

> I had to disable luajit et al. due to missing PPC64 upstream support,
> discussed in length at [1, 2, 3]. Obviously, a few patches to make
> LuaJIT work on ppc64el circulate for several years now, but are not
> merged upstream. Debian opted for these patches though, so they got
> luajittex etc. into their packages (I didn't check the efforts of other
> distros), but those aren't native TL builds (in our sense) at all.

If debian adopt them probably  we can put them in texlive too --- see
patches in source/libs/luajit/TLpatches .
Lua/Luajit  is  a bit different from  libpng, harfbuzz ..., because by
design it can be modify to be adapted to the application
(while in general we modify the application to mach the library ) , and
this is what we have done with luatex & luajittex.

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