[tlbuild] TeXLive 2019: lua errors on arm and aarch64

Dr. Werner Fink werner at suse.de
Thu May 16 14:51:49 CEST 2019


I see this:

 2019/basesystem> osc bl openSUSE_Factory aarch64 | grep -E 'FAIL:.*lua'
 [ 1734s] FAIL: luatexdir/luaimage.test
 [ 1734s] FAIL: luatexdir/luajitimage.test
 2019/basesystem> osc bl openSUSE_Factory armv7l | grep -E 'FAIL:.*lua'
 [18316s] FAIL: luatexdir/luaimage.test
 [18664s] FAIL: luatexdir/luajitimage.test

seems to be known: https://tug.org/pipermail/tlbuild/2018q3/004295.html
but the fix never reached the repository.


  "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
          a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr
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