[tlbuild] asy 2.49 on macOS 10.12, Sierra, and higher

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Wed Apr 3 01:42:57 CEST 2019


For the record, I just built asy on macOS 10.12, with openGL enabled. As usual, I added static libraries for fftw, gsl, and readline.

This build required two modification in the source. Three other modifications for 2.48 are no longer needed.

	1) The Mac does not have the GLEW library. The source for this library can be found at


	This source has no .configure, but it has a "make" which works. Note that "make install" installs into /usr/local. I renamed all folders in this location before installing so I could see what was added.
"Make" only added /include and /lib files. I threw all lib files away except libGLEW.a. Three include files were installed into /usr/local/lib/GL. I kept all three files, but renamed the enclosing folder OpenGL.

	To keep asymptote orthogonal to the rest of my system, I created folders ~/Asymptote/include and ~/Asymprote/lib and told ./configure to look there by exporting CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Thus effectively I compiled libGLEW and added it to my system.''

	2) The Boehm library gc-8.0.2 still doesn't work with asymptote. I can compile the library itself, so I believe the trouble is that the C++ on recent Macs is picky about C++ syntax and doesn't like one or two calls into the library. At any rate, this problem is solved by adding the flag "--enable-gc=7.6.0" to the ./configure call.

	This change requires loading the old gc-7.6.0 and libatomic_ops-7.6.10 source to the asymptote folder. The ./configure program is good about warning that this step is required if you try to ./configure after setting the gc=7.6.0 flag. Unfortunately, it gives a fix using wget and Mac folks use curl. Here are the two corresponding curl instructions:

	curl -O http://hboehm.info/gc/gc_source/gc-7.6.0.tar.gz 

	curl -O http://www.ivmaisoft.com/_bin/atomic_ops/libatomic_ops-7.6.10.tar.gz 


In asy 2.48, it was also necessary to add glm to the asymptote source, to edit glrender.cc:1266 by commenting out a line about GLUT_CORE_PROFILE, and to remove -lgccpp from the Make file.
These steps have been fixed and are no longer required.

Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu

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