[tlbuild] patches from Debian

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Fri Mar 6 01:13:06 CET 2015

Hi all,

here are some patches we have in Debian (besides others) that might
be either of interest for others or could be included in TL.

Attached are four patches:
* mktexlsr-use-mktemp
	don't use guessable names in mktexlsr tmp file to 
	prevent tmp file attacks
* relax-zlib-version-check (for luatex)
	luatex checks on runtime for 5 digits of the zlib version,
	that is for a.b.c instead of a.b only, which should
	suffice for API compatibility
	adjust this
	(cc-ing Luigi and luatex-dev)

plus two patches that add pmetapost and upmetapost fo rthe Japanese
groups ...
* pmpost-mp1.999
* upmpost-mp1.999

The patches are against yesterdays source checkout.

I would be happy for each patch that would be included ;-)


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
GPG: 0x860CDC13   fp: F7D8 A928 26E3 16A1 9FA0  ACF0 6CAC A448 860C DC13
-------------- next part --------------
Don't use unsafe temp filename, use mktemp
 texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr
+++ texlive-bin/texk/kpathsea/mktexlsr
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+treefile=`mktemp --tmpdir mktexlsrtrees.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1
 trap 'cd /; rm -f $treefile; test -z "$db_dir_tmp" || rm -rf "$db_dir_tmp"; 
       exit' 0 1 2 3 7 13 15
-------------- next part --------------
>From email of Hilmar to luazlib author:
The version check is very strict, it checks even the minor version of
the zlib. This causes a disfunction in luatex in case people upgrade
their zlib version (see http://bugs.debian.org/581818 and friends).

Is there a specific reason why the check is that strict? Do you
think it is possible to untighten it and check only the major version
of the zlib (i.e. turn the 5 above into a 3)?
 texk/web2c/luatexdir/luazlib/lzlib.c |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luazlib/lzlib.c
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luazlib/lzlib.c
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
     /* make sure header and library version are consistent */
     const char* version = zlibVersion();
-    if (strncmp(version, ZLIB_VERSION, 5))
+    if (strncmp(version, ZLIB_VERSION, 3))
         lua_pushfstring(L, "zlib library version does not match - header: %s, library: %s", ZLIB_VERSION, version);
-------------- next part --------------
 texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf           |    1 
 texk/web2c/Makefile.am            |    3 
 texk/web2c/ac/web2c.ac            |    1 
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/am/pmpost.am |  133 ++++++++++
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/jfm.ch       |  104 ++++++++
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/jmp.ch       |  342 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/jmppsw.ch    |   72 +++++
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/mpost.ch     |  274 +++++++++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/pdvitomp.ch  |  492 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/pmpostdir/svgout.ch    |   66 +++++
 10 files changed, 1488 insertions(+)

--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf
+++ texlive-bin/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf
@@ -620,6 +620,7 @@
 % Used by makempx to run TeX.  We use "etex" because MetaPost is
 % expecting DVI, and not "tex" because we want first line parsing.
 TEX = etex
+TEX.pmpost = eptex
 % These variables specify the external program called for the
 % interactive `e' option.  %d is replaced by the line number and %s by
--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/web2c/Makefile.am
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/Makefile.am
@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@
 ## MetaPost
 include $(srcdir)/mplibdir/am/mplib.am
+## pMetaPost
+include $(srcdir)/pmpostdir/am/pmpost.am
 ## libmplib, used by MetaPost and luaTeX
 include $(srcdir)/mplibdir/am/libmplib.am
--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/web2c/ac/web2c.ac
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/ac/web2c.ac
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 [[luatex],    [yes], [],    [LuaTeX],    [poppler mpfr cairo libpng zziplib lua52]],
 [[luajittex], [yes], [],    [LuaJITTeX], [poppler mpfr cairo libpng zziplib luajit]],
 [[mp],        [yes], [],    [MetaPost],  [mpfr cairo libpng]],
+[[pmp],       [yes], [],    [pMetaPost], [mpfr cairo libpng ptexenc]],
 [[xetex],     [yes], [yes], [XeTeX],     [poppler libpng freetype2 teckit harfbuzz]],
 m4_foreach([Kpse_Prog], [kpse_tex_progs],
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/am/pmpost.am
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+## texk/web2c/pmpostdir/am/pmpost.am: Makefile fragment for pMetaPost.
+if PMP
+bin_PROGRAMS += pmpost
+bin_links += pmpost$(EXEEXT):pdvitomp
+endif PMP
+.PHONY: install-pmpost-links uninstall-pmpost-links
+# Creating one file: just one rule
+pmp_ctangle = $(ctangle_silent)CWEBINPUTS=.:$(srcdir)/pmpostdir $(ctangle)
+# Creating several files: need stamp file and two rules with identical recipes
+pmp_ctangle_sh = CWEBINPUTS=.:$(srcdir)/pmpostdir AM_V_P=$(AM_V_P) $(SHELL) ./tangle-sh $@ $(CTANGLE)
+## pMetaPost C sources
+pmpost_SOURCES = mplibdir/avl.h mplibdir/avl.c mplibdir/decNumber.c mplibdir/decNumber.h \
+	mplibdir/decNumberLocal.h mplibdir/decContext.h mplibdir/decContext.c
+nodist_pmpost_SOURCES = ptfmin.c $(pmp_c_h) $(pmpmath_c_h) $(pmpmathdecimal_c_h) $(pmpmathbinary_c_h) \
+	$(pmpmathdouble_c_h) $(ppsout_c_h) $(psvgout_c_h) $(ppngout_c_h) $(pmpstrings_c_h) pmpost.c  $(pmpxout_c_h)
+pmp_c_h =  pmp.c pmplib.h pmpmp.h
+pmpmath_c_h = pmpmath.h pmpmath.c
+pmpmathdecimal_c_h = pmpmathdecimal.h pmpmathdecimal.c
+pmpmathbinary_c_h = pmpmathbinary.h pmpmathbinary.c
+pmpmathdouble_c_h = pmpmathdouble.h pmpmathdouble.c
+pmpstrings_c_h = pmpstrings.h pmpstrings.c
+ppsout_c_h = pmppsout.h ppsout.c pmplibps.h
+psvgout_c_h = pmplibsvg.h pmpsvgout.h psvgout.c
+ppngout_c_h = pmplibpng.h pmppngout.h ppngout.c
+pmpxout_c_h = pmpxout.c pmpxout.h
+# sed script
+pmp_sed_main = 's/mpxout\.h/pmpxout.h/;s/mpmp\.h/pmpmp.h/;s/mplib\.h/pmplib.h/;s/mpstrings\.h/pmpstrings.h/'
+pmp_sed_math = 's/mpmath\.h/pmpmath.h/;s/mpmathdecimal\.h/pmpmathdecimal.h/;s/mpmathdouble\.h/pmpmathdouble.h/'
+pmp_sed_math_a = 's/mpmathbinary\.h/pmpmathbinary.h/'
+pmp_sed_ps   = 's/mplibps\.h/pmplibps.h/;s/mppsout\.h/pmppsout.h/'
+pmp_sed_svg  = 's/mplibsvg\.h/pmplibsvg.h/;s/mpsvgout\.h/pmpsvgout.h/'
+pmp_sed_png  = 's/mplibpng\.h/pmplibpng.h/;s/mppngout\.h/pmppngout.h/'
+pmp_sed = sed -e $(pmp_sed_main) -e $(pmp_sed_math) -e $(pmp_sed_math_a) -e $(pmp_sed_ps) -e $(pmp_sed_svg) -e $(pmp_sed_png)
+# Creating one file: just one rule
+ptfmin.w: mplibdir/tfmin.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/tfmin.w > ptfmin.w
+ptfmin.c: ctangle$(EXEEXT) ptfmin.w
+	$(pmp_ctangle) ptfmin.w jfm.ch
+pmpost.w: mplibdir/mpost.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpost.w > pmpost.w
+pmpost.c: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpost.w
+	$(pmp_ctangle) pmpost.w mpost.ch
+# Creating several files: need stamp file and two rules with identical recipes
+pmp.w: mplibdir/mp.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mp.w > pmp.w
+$(pmp_c_h): pmp-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmp jmp.ch
+pmp-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmp.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmp jmp.ch
+pmpmath.w: mplibdir/mpmath.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmath.w > pmpmath.w
+$(pmpmath_c_h): pmpmath-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmath
+pmpmath-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpmath.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmath
+pmpmathbinary.w: mplibdir/mpmathbinary.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmathbinary.w > pmpmathbinary.w
+$(pmpmathbinary_c_h): pmpmathbinary-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmathbinary
+pmpmathbinary-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpmathbinary.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmathbinary
+pmpmathdouble.w: mplibdir/mpmathdouble.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmathdouble.w > pmpmathdouble.w
+$(pmpmathdouble_c_h): pmpmathdouble-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmathdouble
+pmpmathdouble-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpmathdouble.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmathdouble
+pmpmathdecimal.w: mplibdir/mpmathdecimal.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmathdecimal.w > pmpmathdecimal.w
+$(pmpmathdecimal_c_h): pmpmathdecimal-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmathdecimal
+pmpmathdecimal-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpmathdecimal.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpmathdecimal
+pmpstrings.w: mplibdir/mpstrings.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpstrings.w > pmpstrings.w
+$(pmpstrings_c_h): pmpstrings-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpstrings
+pmpstrings-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpstrings.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpstrings
+ppsout.w: mplibdir/psout.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/psout.w > ppsout.w
+$(ppsout_c_h): ppsout-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) ppsout jmppsw.ch
+ppsout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) ppsout.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) ppsout jmppsw.ch
+psvgout.w: mplibdir/svgout.w pmpostdir/svgout.ch
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/svgout.w > psvgout.w
+$(psvgout_c_h): psvgout-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) psvgout svgout.ch
+psvgout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) psvgout.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) psvgout svgout.ch
+ppngout.w: mplibdir/pngout.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/pngout.w > ppngout.w
+$(ppngout_c_h): ppngout-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) ppngout
+ppngout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) ppngout.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) ppngout
+pmpxout.w: mplibdir/mpxout.w
+	$(pmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpxout.w > pmpxout.w
+$(pmpxout_c_h): pmpxout-tangle
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpxout pdvitomp.ch
+pmpxout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) pmpxout.w tangle-sh
+	@$(pmp_ctangle_sh) pmpxout pdvitomp.ch
+## pMetaPost CWeb sources
+pmpost_web = mplibdir/mpost.w mplibdir/mpxout.w
+pmpost_web += mplibdir/mp.w mplibdir/psout.w mplibdir/svgout.w mplibdir/pngout.w
+pmpost_web += mplibdir/mpmath.w mplibdir/mpmathbinary.w mplibdir/mpmathdecimal.w
+pmpost_web += mplibdir/mpmathdouble.w  mplibdir/mpstrings.w mplibdir/tfmin.w
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/jfm.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ at x
+#include <w2c/config.h>
+ at y
+#include <kpathsea/kpathsea.h>
+#include <w2c/config.h>
+ at z
+% local variable "nt" && "ct"
+ at x
+  halfword lf,tfm_lh,bc,ec,nw,nh,nd; /* subfile size parameters */
+ at y
+  halfword lf,tfm_lh,bc,ec,nw,nh,nd,nt; /* subfile size parameters */
+ at z
+ at x
+  int h_and_d; /* height and depth indices being unpacked */
+ at y
+  int h_and_d; /* height and depth indices being unpacked */
+  halfword ct; /* char and type */
+  halfword id; /* JFM font id */
+ at z
+ at x
+@<Read the character data and the width, height, and depth tables and
+  |goto done|@>
+ at y
+@<Read the character type table@>;
+@<Read the character data and the width, height, and depth tables and
+  |goto done|@>
+ at z
+% routine to process JFM file format
+ at x
+@<Read the \.{TFM} size fields@>=
+tfget; read_two(lf);
+ at y
+ at d yoko_jfm_id   11 /* `yoko-kumi' fonts */
+ at d tate_jfm_id   9  /* `tate-kumi' fonts */
+ at d font_jfm_p(A) (mp->font_id[(A)]!=0)
+ at d incr(A)   (A)=(A)+1 /* increase a variable by unity */
+@<Read the \.{TFM} size fields@>=
+tfget; read_two(lf);
+if ( (lf==yoko_jfm_id) || (lf==tate_jfm_id) ) {
+  id=lf;
+  tfget; read_two(nt);
+  tfget; read_two(lf);
+} else {
+  id=0; nt=0;
+ at z
+ at x
+ at y
+ at z
+% reserve space for character type table
+ at x
+ at y
+ at z
+% read character type table
+ at x
+ at y
+@ @<Read the character type table@>=
+while ( i<ii ) {
+  tfget; read_two(ct);
+  mp->font_info[i].hh.LH=ct;
+  tfget; read_two(ct);
+  mp->font_info[i].hh.RH=ct;
+  incr(i);
+ at z
+ at x
+mp_pack_file_name(mp, mp->cur_name,mp->cur_area,mp->cur_ext);
+mp->tfm_infile = (mp->open_file)(mp, mp->name_of_file, "r",mp_filetype_metrics);
+ at y
+mp_pack_file_name(mp, mp->cur_name,mp->cur_area,mp->cur_ext);
+  char *fulln;
+  fulln = kpse_find_file(fname, kpse_tfm_format, 1);
+  mp->tfm_infile = (mp->open_file)(mp, fulln, "r",mp_filetype_metrics);
+  if(fulln) mp_xfree(fulln);
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/jmp.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+% jMetaPost change file for MetaPost
+% written by Michio Matsuyama <fwhw5892 at mb.infoweb.ne.jp>
+%            Hideyuki Suzuki <hideyuki at sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
+% $Id: jmp.ch,v 1.42 2000/03/20 02:55:50 hideyuki Exp $
+% change file of mp.w for pMetaPost (CWEB version)
+% Akira Kakuto (translated the WEB version)
+ at x
+ at d default_banner "This is MetaPost, Version 1.999" /* printed when \MP\ starts */
+ at y
+ at d default_banner "This is pMetaPost, Version 1.999-0.04" /* printed when \MP\ starts */
+ at z
+ at x
+#define metapost_version "1.999"
+ at y
+#define metapost_version "1.999-0.04"
+ at z
+ at x
+#  include <unistd.h>           /* for access */
+ at y
+#  include <unistd.h>           /* for access */
+#include <kpathsea/config.h>
+#include <kpathsea/kpathsea.h>
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+ at z
+ at x
+void mp_close_file (MP mp, void *f) {
+  (void) mp;
+  if (f != NULL)
+    fclose ((FILE *) f);
+ at y
+void mp_close_file (MP mp, void *f) {
+  (void) mp;
+#ifdef WIN32
+  if (f != NULL) {
+    clear_infile_enc((FILE *)f);
+    fclose ((FILE *) f);
+  }
+  if (f != NULL)
+    fclose ((FILE *) f);
+ at z
+ at x
+mp->buf_size = 200;
+ at y
+  char *kpse_buf = kpse_var_value("buf_size");
+  if(kpse_buf) {
+    mp->buf_size = atoi(kpse_buf);
+    free(kpse_buf);
+  } else {
+    mp->buf_size = 500000;
+  }
+ at z
+ at x
+static boolean mp_input_ln (MP mp, void *f) {
+  /* inputs the next line or returns |false| */
+  char *s;
+  size_t size = 0;
+  mp->last = mp->first;         /* cf.\ Matthew 19\thinspace:\thinspace30 */
+  s = (mp->read_ascii_file) (mp, f, &size);
+  if (s == NULL)
+    return false;
+  if (size > 0) {
+    mp->last = mp->first + size;
+    if (mp->last >= mp->max_buf_stack) {
+      mp->max_buf_stack = mp->last + 1;
+      while (mp->max_buf_stack > mp->buf_size) {
+        mp_reallocate_buffer (mp, (mp->buf_size + (mp->buf_size >> 2)));
+      }
+    }
+    (void) memcpy ((mp->buffer + mp->first), s, size);
+  }
+  free (s);
+  return true;
+ at y
+static boolean mp_input_ln (MP mp, void *f ) {
+  int i = EOF;
+  mp->last = input_line2((FILE *)f, mp->buffer, mp->first, mp->buf_size, &i);
+  if (i == EOF && errno != EINTR && mp->last == mp->first)
+    return false;
+  if (i != EOF && i != '\n' && i != '\r') {
+    fprintf (stderr, "! Unable to read an entire line---bufsize=%u.\n",
+                     (unsigned) mp->buf_size);
+    fputs ("Please increase buf_size in texmf.cnf.\n", stderr);
+    exit (1);
+  }
+  if (i == '\r') {
+    while ((i = getc ((FILE *)f)) == EOF && errno == EINTR)
+      ;
+    if (i != '\n')
+      ungetc (i, f);
+  }
+  return true;
+ at z
+ at x
+wterm (mp->banner);
+ at y
+wterm (mp->banner);
+wterm(" (");
+wterm((char *)getencstring());
+ at z
+ at x
+} four_quarters;
+typedef union {
+  integer sc;
+  four_quarters qqqq;
+} font_data;
+ at y
+} four_quarters;
+typedef struct {
+    halfword RH, LH;
+} two_halves;
+typedef union {
+  two_halves hh;
+  integer sc;
+  four_quarters qqqq;
+} font_data;
+ at z
+% tategaki support
+% Suppose h==(0,height), d==(0,-depth) && w==(width,0) in horizontal string,
+% && h==(height,0), d==(-depth,0) && w==(0,-width) in vertical string.
+% Four vertices of the bounding box is h, d, h+w && d+w && those of the
+% transformed boundig box is Th, Td, T(h+w) && T(d+w), so that the values
+% of Th, Td && Tw are compared here.
+ at x
+@ The height width and depth information stored in a text node determines a
+rectangle that needs to be transformed according to the transformation
+parameters stored in the text node.
+ at y
+@ The height width and depth information stored in a text node determines a
+rectangle that needs to be transformed according to the transformation
+parameters stored in the text node.
+Boundig box depends on JFM font ID.
+ at d yoko_jfm_id   11 /* `yoko-kumi' fonts */
+ at d tate_jfm_id   9  /* `tate-kumi' fonts */
+ at d font_jfm_p(A) (mp->font_id[(A)]!=0)
+ at z
+ at x
+  mp_number x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a, arg1;
+  mp_text_node p0 = (mp_text_node)p;
+  new_number (x0a);
+  new_number (x1a);
+  new_number (y0a);
+  new_number (y1a);
+  new_number (arg1);
+  number_clone (arg1, p0->depth);
+  number_negate (arg1);
+  take_scaled (x1a, p0->txx, p0->width);
+  take_scaled (y0a, p0->txy, arg1);
+  take_scaled (y1a, p0->txy, p0->height);
+ at y
+  mp_number x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a, arg1, arg2;
+  mp_text_node p0 = (mp_text_node)p;
+  new_number (x0a);
+  new_number (x1a);
+  new_number (y0a);
+  new_number (y1a);
+  new_number (arg1);
+  new_number (arg2);
+  number_clone (arg1, p0->depth);
+  number_negate (arg1);
+  number_clone (arg2, p0->width);
+  number_negate (arg2);
+  if ( mp->font_id[mp_font_n(p)]!=tate_jfm_id ) {
+     take_scaled (x1a, p0->txx, p0->width);
+     take_scaled (y0a, p0->txy, arg1);
+     take_scaled (y1a, p0->txy, p0->height);
+  } else {
+     take_scaled (x1a, p0->txy, arg2);
+     take_scaled (y0a, p0->txx, arg1);
+     take_scaled (y1a, p0->txx, p0->height);
+  }
+ at z
+ at x
+  take_scaled (x1a, p0->tyx, p0->width);
+  number_clone (arg1, p0->depth);
+  number_negate (arg1);
+  take_scaled (y0a, p0->tyy, arg1);
+  take_scaled (y1a, p0->tyy, p0->height);
+ at y
+  if ( mp->font_id[mp_font_n(p)]!=tate_jfm_id ) {
+     take_scaled (x1a, p0->tyx, p0->width);
+     number_clone (arg1, p0->depth);
+     number_negate (arg1);
+     take_scaled (y0a, p0->tyy, arg1);
+     take_scaled (y1a, p0->tyy, p0->height);
+  } else {
+     number_clone (arg1, p0->depth);
+     number_negate (arg1);
+     number_clone (arg2, p0->width);
+     number_negate (arg2);
+     take_scaled (x1a, p0->tyy, arg2);
+     take_scaled (y0a, p0->tyx, arg1);
+     take_scaled (y1a, p0->tyx, p0->height);
+  }
+ at z
+ at x
+  wlog (mp->banner);
+ at y
+  wlog (mp->banner);
+  wlog (" (");
+  wlog ((char *)(getencstring()));
+  wlog (")");
+ at z
+% char type pointers
+ at x
+eight_bits *font_bc;
+eight_bits *font_ec;    /* first and last character code */
+ at y
+eight_bits  *font_bc;
+eight_bits  *font_ec;  /* first and last character code */
+halfword    *font_nt;
+halfword    *font_id;
+ at z
+ at x
+int *char_base; /* base address for |char_info| */
+ at y
+int *char_base;  /* base address for |char_info| */
+int *ctype_base;
+ at z
+ at x
+xfree (mp->char_base);
+ at y
+xfree (mp->font_id);
+xfree (mp->font_nt);
+xfree (mp->char_base);
+xfree (mp->ctype_base);
+ at z
+ at x
+  XREALLOC (mp->char_base, l, int);
+ at y
+  XREALLOC (mp->font_id, l, halfword);
+  XREALLOC (mp->font_nt, l, halfword);
+  XREALLOC (mp->char_base, l, int);
+  XREALLOC (mp->ctype_base, l, int);
+ at z
+ at x
+mp->char_base[null_font] = 0;
+ at y
+mp->font_id[null_font] = 0;
+mp->font_nt[null_font] = 0;
+mp->char_base[null_font] = 0;
+mp->ctype_base[null_font] = 0;
+ at z
+ at x
+ at d char_mp_info(A,B) mp->font_info[mp->char_base[(A)]+(B)].qqqq
+ at y
+ at d char_mp_info(A,B) mp->font_info[mp->char_base[(A)]+(B)].qqqq
+ at d ctype_char_end(A) (A)].hh.LH
+ at d ctype_char(A) mp->font_info[mp->ctype_base[(A)]+ctype_char_end
+ at d ctype_type_end(A) (A)].hh.RH
+ at d ctype_type(A) mp->font_info[mp->ctype_base[(A)]+ctype_type_end
+ at z
+% lookup character type table
+ at x
+void mp_set_text_box (MP mp, mp_text_node p) {
+ at y
+@<Declare JFM function for text measuring@>;
+void mp_set_text_box (MP mp, mp_text_node p) {
+ at z
+ at x
+  if ((*(mp_text_p (p)->str + k) < bc) || (*(mp_text_p (p)->str + k) > ec)) {
+    mp_lost_warning (mp, f, *(mp_text_p (p)->str + k));
+  } else {
+    cc = char_mp_info (f, *(mp_text_p (p)->str + k));
+ at y
+  if ( ((*(mp_text_p (p)->str + k) < bc) || (*(mp_text_p (p)->str + k) > ec)) && (mp->font_id[f]==0) ) {
+    mp_lost_warning (mp, f, *(mp_text_p (p)->str + k));
+  } else {
+    if (mp->font_id[f]!=0) {
+      cc=char_mp_info(f,mp_lookup_ctype(mp, f,fromBUFF(mp_text_p(p)->str,limit,k)));
+      k++;
+    } else {
+      cc = char_mp_info (f, *(mp_text_p (p)->str + k));
+    }
+ at z
+ at x
+@* Debugging.
+ at y
+@ @<Declare JFM function for text measuring@>=
+int mp_lookup_ctype (MP mp,font_number f, integer c)
+  int l, u, r, ch;
+  l=0; u=mp->font_nt[f]-1;
+  while ( l<u ) {
+    r=(l+u)/2;
+    ch=ctype_char(f)(r);
+    if ( (ch==c) ) {
+      return ctype_type(f)(r);};
+    if ( (ch<c) ) l=r+1;
+    else u=r-1;
+  };
+  return 0;
+@* Debugging.
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/jmppsw.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+% change file of psout.w for jMetaPost (CWEB version)
+% Akira Kakuto (translated the WEB version)
+ at x
+#include <math.h>
+ at y
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+ at z
+% Treat all Kanji fonts as used
+ at x
+    if ( mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3==mp_used ) 
+ at y
+    if ( mp->font_info[p].qqqq.b3==mp_used || mp->font_id[f]!=0)
+ at z
+% Kanji string output
+ at x
+static void mp_print_initial_comment(MP mp,mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues);
+ at y
+static void mp_print_initial_comment(MP mp,mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues);
+void mp_ps_kanji_string_out (MP mp, const char *s);
+#define Hi(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xff)
+#define Lo(x) ((x) & 0xff)
+@ @c
+void mp_ps_kanji_string_out (MP mp, const char *s)
+int i, c;
+size_t len;
+len = strlen(s);
+mp_ps_print(mp, "<");
+while (i<len)
+  { if ( mp->ps->ps_offset+5>mp->max_print_line ) mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
+  c=toDVI(fromBUFF((ASCII_code*)s, i+2, i));
+  i=i+2;
+  mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Hi(c) / 16);
+  mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Hi(c) % 16);
+  mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Lo(c) / 16);
+  mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Lo(c) % 16);
+  };
+mp_ps_print(mp, ">");
+ at z
+ at x
+  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Creator: MetaPost ");
+ at y
+  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Creator: MetaPost (Japanese version) ");
+ at z
+% Call Kanji string output routine if the font is JFM.
+ at x
+        mp_ps_string_out(mp, gr_text_p(p),gr_text_l(p));
+        mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[gr_font_n(p)],false);
+ at y
+        if (mp->font_id[gr_font_n(p)]!=0)
+           mp_ps_kanji_string_out(mp, gr_text_p(p));
+        else
+           mp_ps_string_out(mp, gr_text_p(p),gr_text_l(p));
+        mp_ps_name_out(mp, mp->font_name[gr_font_n(p)],false);
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/mpost.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ at x
+#include <kpathsea/kpathsea.h>
+ at y
+#include <kpathsea/kpathsea.h>
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+char kanjioption[16];
+ at z
+ at x
+ at d TEX     "tex"
+ at d TROFF   "soelim | eqn -Tps -d$$ | troff -Tps"
+ at c
+#define MPXCOMMAND "makempx"
+ at y
+ at d TEX     "eptex"
+ at d TROFF   "soelim | eqn -Tps -d$$ | troff -Tps"
+ at c
+#define MPXCOMMAND "pmakempx"
+ at z
+ at x
+    if (cnf_cmd!=NULL && (strcmp (cnf_cmd, "1")!=0)) {
+      if (mp_troff_mode(mp)!=0)
+        cmd = concatn (cnf_cmd, " -troff ",
+                     qmpname, " ", qmpxname, NULL);
+      else if (mpost_tex_program!=NULL && *mpost_tex_program != '\0')
+        cmd = concatn (cnf_cmd, " -tex=", mpost_tex_program, " ",
+                     qmpname, " ", qmpxname, NULL);
+ at y
+    if (cnf_cmd!=NULL && (strcmp (cnf_cmd, "1")!=0)) {
+      if (kanjioption[0])
+        cnf_cmd = concatn (cnf_cmd, " --kanji=", kanjioption, NULL);
+      if (mp_troff_mode(mp))
+        cmd = concatn (cnf_cmd, " -troff ",
+                       qmpname, " ", qmpxname, NULL);
+      else if (mpost_tex_program!=NULL && *mpost_tex_program != '\0')
+        cmd = concatn (cnf_cmd, " -tex=", mpost_tex_program, " ",
+                       qmpname, " ", qmpxname, NULL);
+ at z
+ at x
+      if (mpost_tex_program != NULL && *mpost_tex_program != '\0') {
+        maincmd = mpost_xstrdup(mpost_tex_program);
+      } else {
+        if (mpxmode == mpx_tex_mode) {
+          s = kpse_var_value("TEX");
+          if (s==NULL) s = kpse_var_value("MPXMAINCMD");
+          if (s==NULL) s = mpost_xstrdup (TEX);
+          maincmd = (char *)mpost_xmalloc (strlen(s)+strlen(default_args)+1);
+          strcpy(maincmd,s);
+ at y
+      if (mpost_tex_program != NULL && *mpost_tex_program != '\0') {
+        if (kanjioption[0]) {
+          maincmd = (char *)mpost_xmalloc (strlen(mpost_tex_program) +
+                                   strlen(kanjioption) + 15);
+          strcpy(maincmd, mpost_tex_program);
+          strcat(maincmd, " --kanji=");
+          strcat(maincmd, kanjioption);
+        } else
+          maincmd = mpost_xstrdup(mpost_tex_program);
+      } else {
+        if (mpxmode == mpx_tex_mode) {
+          s = kpse_var_value("TEX");
+          if (s==NULL) s = kpse_var_value("MPXMAINCMD");
+          if (s==NULL) s = mpost_xstrdup (TEX);
+          if (kanjioption[0])
+            maincmd = (char *)mpost_xmalloc (strlen(s)+strlen(default_args)+
+                                             strlen(kanjioption)+13);
+          else
+            maincmd = (char *)mpost_xmalloc (strlen(s)+strlen(default_args)+1);
+          strcpy(maincmd,s);
+          if (kanjioption[0]) {
+            strcat(maincmd, " --kanji=");
+            strcat(maincmd, kanjioption);
+          }
+ at z
+ at x
+        const char *banner = "% Written by metapost version ";
+ at y
+        const char *banner = "% Written by pmpost version ";
+ at z
+ at x
+      const char *banner = "% Written by dvitomp version ";
+ at y
+      const char *banner = "% Written by pdvitomp version ";
+ at z
+ at x
+      { "kpathsea-debug",            1, 0, 0 },
+ at y
+      { "kpathsea-debug",            1, 0, 0 },
+      { "kanji",                     1, 0, 0 },
+ at z
+ at x
+        if (user_progname == NULL) 
+	      user_progname = optarg;
+      }
+ at y
+        if (user_progname == NULL) 
+	      user_progname = optarg;
+      }
+    } else if (ARGUMENT_IS ("kanji")) {
+      strcpy(kanjioption, optarg);
+      if(!set_enc_string(optarg, optarg)) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Ignoring unknown argument `%s' to --kanji", optarg);
+      }
+ at z
+ at x
+      { "no-kpathsea",               0, &nokpse, 1 },
+ at y
+      { "no-kpathsea",               0, &nokpse, 1 },
+      { "kanji",                     1, 0, 0 },
+ at z
+ at x
+    } else if (option_is ("progname")) {
+      user_progname = optarg;
+ at y
+    } else if (option_is ("progname")) {
+      user_progname = optarg;
+    } else if (option_is ("kanji")) {
+      strcpy (kanjioption, optarg);
+      if(!set_enc_string(optarg, optarg)) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Ignoring unknown argument `%s' to --kanji", optarg);
+      }
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is dvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is MetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+"Usage: mpost [OPTION] [&MEMNAME] [MPNAME[.mp]] [COMMANDS]\n"
+"       mpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Run MetaPost on MPNAME, usually creating MPNAME.NNN (and perhaps\n"
+"  MPNAME.tfm), where NNN are the character numbers generated.\n"
+"  Any remaining COMMANDS are processed as MetaPost input,\n"
+"  after MPNAME is read.\n\n"
+"  With a --dvitomp argument, MetaPost acts as DVI-to-MPX converter only.\n"
+"  Call MetaPost with --dvitomp --help for option explanations.\n\n");
+"  -ini                      be inimpost, for dumping mem files\n"
+"  -interaction=STRING       set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/\n"
+"                            scrollmode/errorstopmode)\n"
+"  -numbersystem=STRING      set number system mode (STRING=scaled/double/binary/decimal)\n"
+"  -jobname=STRING           set the job name to STRING\n"
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+"Usage: pmpost [OPTION] [&MEMNAME] [MPNAME[.mp]] [COMMANDS]\n"
+"       pmpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Run pMetaPost on MPNAME, usually creating MPNAME.NNN (and perhaps\n"
+"  MPNAME.tfm), where NNN are the character numbers generated.\n"
+"  Any remaining COMMANDS are processed as pMetaPost input,\n"
+"  after MPNAME is read.\n\n"
+"  With a --dvitomp argument, pMetaPost acts as DVI-to-MPX converter only.\n"
+"  Call pMetaPost with --dvitomp --help for option explanations.\n\n");
+"  -ini                      be inipmpost, for dumping mem files\n"
+"  -interaction=STRING       set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/\n"
+"                            scrollmode/errorstopmode)\n"
+"  -numbersystem=STRING      set number system mode (STRING=scaled/double/binary/decimal)\n"
+"  -jobname=STRING           set the job name to STRING\n"
+"  -kanji=STRING             set the Japanese encoding to STRING\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+"  -version                  output version information and exit\n"
+"Email bug reports to mp-implementors@@tug.org.\n"
+ at y
+"  -version                  output version information and exit\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is dvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is MetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+"Usage: dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"       mpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPX file.\n\n");
+"  -progname=STRING          set program name to STRING\n"
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+"Usage: pdvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"       pmpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPX file.\n\n");
+"  -progname=STRING          set program name to STRING\n"
+"  -kanji=STRING             set kanji encoding (sjis, jis, euc, utf8)\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "dvitomp (MetaPost) %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+  fprintf(stdout, "MetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "pdvitomp (pMetaPost) %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+  fprintf(stdout, "pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+"Author of the CWEB MetaPost: Taco Hoekwater.\n"
+ at y
+"Author of the CWEB MetaPost: Taco Hoekwater.\n"
+"Authors of pMetaPost: Michio Matsuyama, Hideyuki Suzuki.\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+  const char * banner = "This is MetaPost, version ";
+ at y
+  const char * banner = "This is pMetaPost, version ";
+ at z
+ at x
+  if (dvitomp_only) {
+    @<Read and set dvitomp command line options@>;
+  } else {
+ at y
+  kanjioption[0] = '\0';
+  enable_UPTEX (false);
+#if defined(WIN32)
+  set_enc_string("sjis", "sjis");
+  set_enc_string("utf8", "euc");
+  if (dvitomp_only) {
+    @<Read and set dvitomp command line options@>;
+  } else {
+#ifdef WIN32
+    options->mem_name =
+      strlwr(kpse_program_basename(argv[0]));
+    options->mem_name =
+      kpse_program_basename(argv[0]);
+ at z
+ at x
+  if(putenv(xstrdup("engine=metapost")))
+ at y
+  if(putenv(xstrdup("engine=pmpost")))
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/pdvitomp.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ at x
+#include "avl.h"
+ at y
+#include "avl.h"
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+ at z
+ at x
+ at d max_widths (256*max_fonts) /* maximum number of different characters among all fonts */
+ at y
+ at d max_widths 512000 /* maximum number of different characters among all fonts */
+ at z
+ at x
+ at d undefined_commands 250: case 251: case 252: case 253: case 254: case 255
+ at y
+ at d dir 255 /* p\TeX\ direction */
+ at d undefined_commands 250: case 251: case 252: case 253: case 254
+ at z
+ at x
+mpx_read_tfm_word(mpx); lh=mpx->b2*(int)(256)+mpx->b3;
+ at y
+@<Read the pTeX header data@>;@/
+ at z
+ at x
+    if ( mpx->b0<128 ) 
+      mpx->tfm_check_sum=((mpx->b0*(int)(256)+mpx->b1)*256+mpx->b2)*256+mpx->b3;
+    else 
+      mpx->tfm_check_sum=(((mpx->b0-256)*(int)(256)+mpx->b1)*256+mpx->b2)*256+mpx->b3;
+  }
+  if ( k==5 ) {
+    if (mpx->mode == mpx_troff_mode) {
+      mpx->font_design_size[f]=(((mpx->b0*(int)(256)+mpx->b1)*256+mpx->b2)*256+mpx->b3)/(65536.0*16);
+    }
+  }
+ at y
+    if ( mpx->b0<128 ) 
+      mpx->tfm_check_sum=((mpx->b0*(int)(256)+mpx->b1)*256+mpx->b2)*256+mpx->b3;
+    else 
+      mpx->tfm_check_sum=(((mpx->b0-256)*(int)(256)+mpx->b1)*256+mpx->b2)*256+mpx->b3;
+  }
+  if ( k==5 ) {
+    if (mpx->mode == mpx_troff_mode) {
+      mpx->font_design_size[f]=(((mpx->b0*(int)(256)+mpx->b1)*256+mpx->b2)*256+mpx->b3)/(65536.0*16);
+    }
+  }
+@<Read JFM character type table@>;
+ at z
+ at x
+@<Width of character |c| in font |f|@>=
+@ @<Width of character |p| in font |cur_font|@>=
+ at y
+@ @c @<Declare JFM character type table lookup routine@>@; /* p\TeX */
+integer mpx_scaled_char_width (MPX mpx,integer f,integer c)
+  if (mpx->font_id[f]!=0) c=mpx_lookup_ctype(mpx, f,c);
+  return floor(mpx->dvi_scale*mpx->font_scaled_size[f]*char_width(f,c));
+ at z
+ at x
+@ @c @<Declare a procedure called |finish_last_char|@>@;
+static void mpx_do_set_char (MPX mpx,web_integer f, web_integer c) {
+  if ( (c<mpx->font_bc[f])||(c>mpx->font_ec[f]) )
+    mpx_abort(mpx,"attempt to typeset invalid character %d",c);
+ at .attempt to typeset...@>
+ at y
+@ PDVItoMP: |do_set_char| is called with non-virtual font.
+In the case of non-virtual Kanji font, the width is looked up
+with the character type, and the character is printed by the
+function |set_kanji_char|.
+When the width written in the virtual font is same as
+the width of the substituted font, the next character can be
+written in the same string in output mpx file.
+In other words, the width of the character is calculated
+in |do_dvi_commands|. So even if the width is wrong here, the output PostScript file is not affected.
+@ @c @<Declare a procedure called |finish_last_char|@>@;
+void mpx_do_set_char (MPX mpx,integer f,integer c)
+integer kkk;
+if (mpx->font_id[f]!=0) {
+  kkk=mpx_lookup_ctype(mpx, f,c);
+  if ( (kkk<mpx->font_bc[f]) || (kkk>mpx->font_ec[f]) )
+    mpx_abort(mpx,"attempt to typeset invalid character (JFM) %d",c);
+} else if ( (c<mpx->font_bc[f])||(c>mpx->font_ec[f]) ) {
+  mpx_abort(mpx,"attempt to typeset invalid character %d",c);
+ at .attempt to typeset...@>
+ at z
+ at x
+  if ((mpx->h!=mpx->str_h2)||(mpx->v!=mpx->str_v)||
+      (f!=mpx->str_f)||(mpx->dvi_scale!=mpx->str_scale) ) {
+ at y
+  if ((mpx->h!=mpx->str_h2)||(mpx->v!=mpx->str_v2)||
+      (f!=mpx->str_f)||(mpx->dvi_scale!=mpx->str_scale) ) {
+ at z
+ at x
+    fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"_s("); mpx->print_col=3;@/
+    mpx->str_scale=mpx->dvi_scale; mpx->str_f=f; 
+    mpx->str_v=mpx->v; mpx->str_h1=mpx->h;
+ at y
+  if ((mpx->d==0) || (mpx->font_id[f]==9)) {
+    fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"_s("); mpx->print_col=3;}@/
+  else {
+    fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"_sr("); mpx->print_col=4;}@/
+  mpx->str_scale=mpx->dvi_scale; mpx->str_f=f;
+  mpx->str_v1=mpx->v; mpx->str_h1=mpx->h;
+ at z
+ at x
+  mpx_print_char(mpx, (unsigned char)c);
+  mpx->str_h2=(web_integer)(mpx->h+@<Width of character |c| in font |f|@>);
+ at y
+  if (mpx->font_id[f]!=0)
+    mpx_print_kanji_char(mpx, c);
+  else
+    mpx_print_char(mpx, c);
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->str_h2=mpx->h+mpx_scaled_char_width(mpx, f, c);
+    mpx->str_v2=mpx->v;
+  } else {
+    mpx->str_h2=mpx->h;
+    mpx->str_v2=mpx->v+mpx_scaled_char_width(mpx, f, c);
+  }
+ at z
+ at x
+web_integer str_h1;
+web_integer str_v; /* starting position for current output string */
+web_integer str_h2; /* where the current output string ends */
+ at y
+integer str_h1;
+integer str_v1; /* starting position for current output string */
+integer str_h2;
+integer str_v2; /* where the current output string ends */
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)=\n");
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,
+          "  addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef;\n");
+ at y
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)=\n");
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,
+          "  addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef;\n");
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"vardef _sr(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)=\n");  
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"  addto _p also _t infont _f rotated -90");
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile," scaled _m shifted (_x,_y); enddef;\n");
+ at z
+ at x
+      x=mpx->conv*mpx->str_h1; 
+      y=mpx->conv*(-mpx->str_v);
+ at y
+      x=mpx->conv*mpx->str_h1;
+      y=mpx->conv*(-mpx->str_v1);
+ at z
+ at x
+@<Handle a special rule that determines the box size@>=
+  mpx->pic_wd=mpx->h; mpx->pic_dp=mpx->v; mpx->pic_ht=ht-mpx->v; 
+ at y
+@<Handle a special rule that determines the box size@>=
+{ if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->pic_wd=mpx->h; mpx->pic_dp=mpx->v; mpx->pic_ht=ht-mpx->v;
+  } else {
+    mpx->pic_wd=mpx->v; mpx->pic_dp=-mpx->h; mpx->pic_ht=ht+mpx->h;
+  }
+ at z
+ at x
+  mpx->str_v=0;
+  mpx->str_h2=0;
+  mpx->str_scale=1.0; /* values don't matter */
+ at y
+  mpx->str_h2=0;
+  mpx->str_v2=0;
+  mpx->str_scale=1.0; /* values don't matter */
+ at z
+ at x
+        "setbounds _p to (0,%1.4f)--(%1.4f,%1.4f)--\n" 
+        " (%1.4f,%1.4f)--(0,%1.4f)--cycle;\n",dd,w,dd,w,h,h)
+ at y
+if (mpx->d==0) {
+  dd=-mpx->pic_dp*mpx->conv;
+  w=mpx->conv*mpx->pic_wd;
+  h=mpx->conv*mpx->pic_ht;
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,
+        "setbounds _p to (0,%1.4f)--(%1.4f,%1.4f)--\n",dd,w,dd);
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,
+        " (%1.4f,%1.4f)--(0,%1.4f)--cycle;\n",w,h,h);
+} else {
+  dd=-mpx->pic_dp*mpx->conv;
+  w=-mpx->pic_wd*mpx->conv;
+  h=mpx->conv*mpx->pic_ht;
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,
+        "setbounds _p to (%1.4f,0)--(%1.4f,%1.4f)--\n",h,h,w);
+  fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,
+        " (%1.4f,%1.4f)--(%1.4f,0)--cycle;\n", dd,w,dd);
+ at z
+ at x
+web_integer w;web_integer x;web_integer y;web_integer z;
+  /* current state values (|h| and |v| have already been declared) */
+web_integer hstack[(stack_size+1)];
+web_integer vstack[(stack_size+1)];
+web_integer wstack[(stack_size+1)];
+web_integer xstack[(stack_size+1)];
+web_integer ystack[(stack_size+1)];
+web_integer zstack[(stack_size+1)]; /* pushed down values in \.{DVI} units */
+ at y
+integer w;integer x;integer y;integer z;integer d;
+  /* current state values (|h| and |v| have already been declared) */
+integer hstack[(stack_size+1)];
+integer vstack[(stack_size+1)];
+integer wstack[(stack_size+1)];
+integer xstack[(stack_size+1)];
+integer ystack[(stack_size+1)];
+integer zstack[(stack_size+1)];
+integer dstack[(stack_size+1)]; /* pushed down values in \.{DVI} units */
+ at z
+ at x
+mpx->h=0; mpx->v=0;
+ at y
+mpx->h=0; mpx->v=0; mpx->d=0;
+ at z
+ at x
+  mpx->hstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->h; 
+  mpx->vstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->v; mpx->wstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->w;
+  mpx->xstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->x; 
+  mpx->ystack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->y; mpx->zstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->z;
+ at y 
+  mpx->hstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->h; 
+  mpx->vstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->v; mpx->wstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->w;
+  mpx->xstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->x; 
+  mpx->ystack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->y; mpx->zstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->z;
+  mpx->dstack[mpx->stk_siz]=mpx->d;
+ at z
+ at x
+    mpx->h=mpx->hstack[mpx->stk_siz]; 
+    mpx->v=mpx->vstack[mpx->stk_siz]; mpx->w=mpx->wstack[mpx->stk_siz];
+    mpx->x=mpx->xstack[mpx->stk_siz]; 
+    mpx->y=mpx->ystack[mpx->stk_siz]; mpx->z=mpx->zstack[mpx->stk_siz];
+ at y
+    mpx->h=mpx->hstack[mpx->stk_siz]; 
+    mpx->v=mpx->vstack[mpx->stk_siz]; mpx->w=mpx->wstack[mpx->stk_siz];
+    mpx->x=mpx->xstack[mpx->stk_siz]; 
+    mpx->y=mpx->ystack[mpx->stk_siz]; mpx->z=mpx->zstack[mpx->stk_siz];
+    mpx->d=mpx->dstack[mpx->stk_siz];
+ at z
+ at x
+  case z0: return mpx->z; break;
+ at y
+  case z0: return mpx->z; break;
+  case dir: return mpx_get_byte(mpx); break;
+ at z
+ at x
+    mpx->h += @<Width of character |p| in font |cur_font|@>;
+ at y
+    if (mpx->d==0) {
+      mpx->h+=mpx_scaled_char_width(mpx, cur_font, p);
+    } else {
+      mpx->v+=mpx_scaled_char_width(mpx, cur_font, p);
+    }
+ at z
+ at x
+      mpx->h += q;
+ at y
+      if (mpx->d==0) {
+        mpx->h += q;
+      } else {
+        mpx->v += q;
+      }
+ at z
+ at x
+case pop: 
+  mpx_do_pop(mpx);
+  break;
+ at y
+case pop: 
+  mpx_do_pop(mpx);
+  break;
+case dir:
+  mpx->d=p;
+  break;
+ at z
+ at x
+case four_cases(right1):
+  mpx->h += trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale);
+  break;
+case w0: case four_cases(w1): 
+  mpx->w = (web_integer)trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale); mpx->h += mpx->w;
+  break;
+case x0: case four_cases(x1): 
+  mpx->x = (web_integer)trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale); mpx->h += mpx->x;
+  break;
+case four_cases(down1):
+  mpx->v += trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale);
+  break;
+case y0: case four_cases(y1): 
+  mpx->y = (web_integer)trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale); mpx->v += mpx->y;
+  break;
+case z0: case four_cases(z1): 
+  mpx->z = (web_integer)trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale); mpx->v += mpx->z;
+  break;
+ at y
+case four_cases(right1):
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->h+=trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale);
+  } else {
+    mpx->v+=trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale);
+  }
+  break;
+case w0: case four_cases(w1):
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->h+=mpx->w;
+  } else {
+    mpx->v+=mpx->w;
+  }
+  break;
+case x0: case four_cases(x1):
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->h+=mpx->x;
+  } else {
+    mpx->v+=mpx->x;
+  }
+  break;
+case four_cases(down1):
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->v+=trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale);
+  } else {
+    mpx->h-=trunc(p*mpx->dvi_scale);
+  }
+  break;
+case y0: case four_cases(y1):
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->v+=mpx->y;
+  } else {
+    mpx->h-=mpx->y;
+  }
+  break;
+case z0: case four_cases(z1):
+  if (mpx->d==0) {
+    mpx->v+=mpx->z;
+  } else {
+    mpx->h-=mpx->z;
+  }
+  break;
+ at z
+ at x
+@<Check if mp file is newer than mpxfile, exit if not@>=
+if (mpx_newer(mpxopt->mpname, mpxopt->mpxname))
+   return 0
+ at y
+@<Check if mp file is newer than mpxfile, exit if not@>=
+if (mpx_newer(mpxopt->mpname, mpxopt->mpxname))
+   return 0
+ at d yoko_jfm_id   11 /* for `yoko-kumi' fonts */
+ at d tate_jfm_id   9  /* for `tate-kumi' fonts */
+ at d font_jfm_p(A)   (mpx->font_id[(A)]!=0)
+@ @<Global...@>=
+integer font_nt[max_fonts+1]; /* number of words in ctype table */
+integer font_id[max_fonts+1];
+integer jfm_char_code[max_widths+1];
+integer jfm_char_type[max_widths+1];
+integer jfm_char_index[max_fonts+1];
+integer next_jfm_char_index;
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+@ JFM character type table is stored in the array |jfm_char_code| and
+|jfm_char_type|. The character code and the character type of $i$-th
+record is stored in |jfm_char_code[i]| and |jfm_char_type[i]|, respectively.
+The table is in the order of character code.
+@<Read the pTeX header data@>=
+if ((mpx->font_id[f]==yoko_jfm_id) || (mpx->font_id[f]==tate_jfm_id)) {
+  mpx->font_nt[f]=mpx->b2*(int)(256)+mpx->b3;
+  mpx_read_tfm_word(mpx);
+} else {
+  mpx->font_id[f]=0;
+  mpx->font_nt[f]=0;
+@ @<Read JFM character type table@>=
+while (k<mpx->next_jfm_char_index) {
+  mpx_read_tfm_word(mpx);
+  mpx->jfm_char_code[k]=mpx->b0*(int)(256)+mpx->b1;
+  mpx->jfm_char_type[k]=mpx->b2*(int)(256)+mpx->b3;
+  k++;
+@ JFM character type table is looked up by binary search.
+@<Declare JFM character type table lookup routine@>=
+integer mpx_lookup_ctype (MPX mpx,integer f, integer c)
+  integer l, u, r, ch;
+  l=0; u=mpx->font_nt[f]-1;
+  while (l<u) {
+    r=(l+u)/2;
+    ch=mpx->jfm_char_code[mpx->jfm_char_index[f]+r];
+    if (ch==c) {
+      return mpx->jfm_char_type[mpx->jfm_char_index[f]+r];
+    }
+    if (ch<c)
+      l=r+1;
+    else
+      u=r-1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+@ Every Kanji characters are supposed to be printable here,
+so that the state always results in normal at the end of the procedure.
+Kanji characters need to be converted into output Kanji encoding
+from DVI(JIS).
+ at d Hi(x) (((x)>> 8) & 0xff)
+ at d Lo(x) ( (x)      & 0xff)
+@<Declare subroutines for printing strings@>=
+void mpx_print_kanji_char (MPX mpx,integer c)
+  if (mpx->print_col+2>line_length-2 ) {
+    if (mpx->state==normal) {
+      fprintf(mpx->mpxfile, "\"");
+      mpx->state=special;
+    }
+    fprintf(mpx->mpxfile, " \n");
+    mpx->print_col=0;
+  }
+  if (mpx->state==special) {
+    fprintf(mpx->mpxfile,"&");
+    mpx->print_col++;
+  }
+  if (mpx->state!=normal) {
+    fprintf(mpx->mpxfile, "\"");
+    mpx->print_col++;
+    mpx->state=normal;
+  }
+  c=toBUFF(fromDVI(c));
+  putc2(Hi(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+  mpx->print_col++;
+  putc2(Lo(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+  mpx->print_col++;
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/pmpostdir/svgout.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ at x
+#include <math.h>
+ at y
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+ at z
+ at x 
+@<Character |k| is not allowed in SVG output@>=
+ (k=='&')||(k=='>')||(k=='<')
+ at y
+@<Character |k| is not allowed in SVG output@>=
+ (k=='&')||(k=='>')||(k=='<')||(k>=0x7F)
+ at z
+ at x
+@ Now for outputting the actual graphic objects. 
+ at y
+@ Now for outputting the actual graphic objects. 
+ at d yoko_jfm_id   11 /* `yoko-kumi' fonts */
+ at d tate_jfm_id   9  /* `tate-kumi' fonts */
+ at d font_jfm_p(A) (mp->font_id[(A)]!=0)
+ at z
+ at x Even if prologues=3, Japanese texts are not converted into paths.
+  if (prologues == 3 ) {
+ at y
+  if (prologues == 3 && mp->font_id[gr_font_n(p)]==0) {
+ at z
+ at x To realise vertical Japanese texts ...
+    mp_svg_attribute(mp, "font-size", mp->svg->buf);
+ at y
+    mp_svg_attribute(mp, "font-size", mp->svg->buf);
+    if ( mp->font_id[gr_font_n(p)]==tate_jfm_id ) {
+      mp_svg_reset_buf(mp);
+      append_string("tb-rl");
+      mp_svg_attribute(mp, "writing-mode", mp->svg->buf);
+    }
+ at z
+ at x
+    while (l-->0) {
+      k=(int)*s++;
+      if (@<Character |k| is illegal in SVG output@>) {
+ at y
+    if ( mp->font_id[gr_font_n(p)]!=0 ) {
+    l >>= 1;
+    while (l-->0) {
+         k =((int)*s++)*0x100; k += (int)*s++;
+         append_string("&#");
+         mp_svg_store_int(mp,toUCS(k));
+         append_char(';');
+       }
+    } else
+    while (l-->0) {
+      k=(int)*s++;
+      if (@<Character |k| is illegal in SVG output@>) {
+ at z
+ at x
+    mp_svg_print(mp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
+ at y
+    mp_svg_print(mp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
+ at z
-------------- next part --------------
 texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf             |    3 
 texk/web2c/Makefile.am              |    3 
 texk/web2c/ac/web2c.ac              |    1 
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/am/upmpost.am |  149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/updvitomp.ch  |   63 +++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upjfm.ch      |   12 ++
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upjmp.ch      |   39 +++++++++
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upjmppsw.ch   |   64 +++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upmpost.ch    |  133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upsvgout.ch   |   38 +++++++++
 10 files changed, 503 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf
+++ texlive-bin/texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf
@@ -220,10 +220,11 @@
 TEXINPUTS.eptex         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,plain,generic,}//
 TEX.pmpost = eptex
-% (e)up(La)TeX.
+% (e)up(La)TeX, and for upmpost.
 TEXINPUTS.uplatex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{uplatex,platex,latex,generic,}//
 TEXINPUTS.uptex   = .;$TEXMF/tex/{uptex,ptex,plain,generic,}//
 TEXINPUTS.euptex  = .;$TEXMF/tex/{uptex,ptex,plain,generic}//
+TEX.upmpost = euptex
 % pBibTeX bibliographies and style files.
 BIBINPUTS.pbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bib//
--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/web2c/Makefile.am
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/Makefile.am
@@ -185,8 +185,9 @@
 ## MetaPost
 include $(srcdir)/mplibdir/am/mplib.am
-## pMetaPost
+## [u]pMetaPost
 include $(srcdir)/pmpostdir/am/pmpost.am
+include $(srcdir)/upmpostdir/am/upmpost.am
 ## libmplib, used by MetaPost and luaTeX
 include $(srcdir)/mplibdir/am/libmplib.am
--- texlive-bin.orig/texk/web2c/ac/web2c.ac
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/ac/web2c.ac
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 [[luajittex], [yes], [],    [LuaJITTeX], [poppler mpfr cairo libpng zziplib luajit]],
 [[mp],        [yes], [],    [MetaPost],  [mpfr cairo libpng]],
 [[pmp],       [yes], [],    [pMetaPost], [mpfr cairo libpng ptexenc]],
+[[upmp],      [yes], [],    [upMetaPost],[mpfr cairo libpng ptexenc]],
 [[xetex],     [yes], [yes], [XeTeX],     [poppler libpng freetype2 teckit harfbuzz]],
 m4_foreach([Kpse_Prog], [kpse_tex_progs],
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/am/upmpost.am
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+## texk/web2c/upmpostdir/am/upmpost.am: Makefile fragment for upMetaPost.
+if UPMP
+bin_PROGRAMS += upmpost
+bin_links += upmpost$(EXEEXT):updvitomp
+endif UPMP
+EXTRA_PROGRAMS += upmpost
+upmpost_CPPFLAGS = $(CAIRO_INCLUDES) $(PIXMAN_INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(ZLIB_INCLUDES) $(LIBPNG_INCLUDES) -I$(srcdir)/mplibdir  -I$(srcdir)/pmpostdir -I$(srcdir)/upmpostdir $(PTEXENC_INCLUDES) $(MPFR_INCLUDES) $(GMP_INCLUDES)
+.PHONY: install-upmpost-links uninstall-upmpost-links
+upmp_ctie = $(ctie_silent)CWEBINPUTS=.:$(srcdir)/pmpostdir:$(srcdir)/upmpostdir $(ctie)
+# Creating one file: just one rule
+upmp_ctangle = $(ctangle_silent)CWEBINPUTS=.:$(srcdir)/pmpostdir:$(srcdir)/upmpostdir $(ctangle)
+# Creating several files: need stamp file and two rules with identical recipes
+upmp_ctangle_sh = CWEBINPUTS=.:$(srcdir)/pmpostdir:$(srcdir)/upmpostdir AM_V_P=$(AM_V_P) $(SHELL) ./tangle-sh $@ $(CTANGLE)
+## upMetaPost C sources
+upmpost_SOURCES = mplibdir/avl.h mplibdir/avl.c mplibdir/decNumber.c mplibdir/decNumber.h \
+	mplibdir/decNumberLocal.h mplibdir/decContext.h mplibdir/decContext.c
+nodist_upmpost_SOURCES = uptfmin.c $(upmp_c_h) $(upmpmath_c_h) $(upmpmathdecimal_c_h) $(upmpmathbinary_c_h) \
+$(upmpmathdouble_c_h) $(uppsout_c_h) $(upsvgout_c_h) $(uppngout_c_h) $(upmpstrings_c_h) upmpost.c  $(upmpxout_c_h)
+upmp_c_h =  upmp.c upmplib.h upmpmp.h
+upmpmath_c_h = upmpmath.h upmpmath.c
+upmpmathdecimal_c_h = upmpmathdecimal.h upmpmathdecimal.c
+upmpmathbinary_c_h = upmpmathbinary.h upmpmathbinary.c
+upmpmathdouble_c_h = upmpmathdouble.h upmpmathdouble.c
+upmpstrings_c_h = upmpstrings.h upmpstrings.c
+uppsout_c_h = upmppsout.h uppsout.c upmplibps.h
+upsvgout_c_h = upmplibsvg.h upmpsvgout.h upsvgout.c
+uppngout_c_h = upmplibpng.h upmppngout.h uppngout.c
+upmpxout_c_h = upmpxout.c upmpxout.h
+# sed script
+upmp_sed_main = 's/mpxout\.h/upmpxout.h/;s/mpmp\.h/upmpmp.h/;s/mplib\.h/upmplib.h/;s/mpstrings\.h/upmpstrings.h/'
+upmp_sed_math = 's/mpmath\.h/upmpmath.h/;s/mpmathdecimal\.h/upmpmathdecimal.h/;s/mpmathdouble\.h/upmpmathdouble.h/'
+upmp_sed_math_a = 's/mpmathbinary\.h/upmpmathbinary.h/'
+upmp_sed_ps   = 's/mplibps\.h/upmplibps.h/;s/mppsout\.h/upmppsout.h/'
+upmp_sed_svg  = 's/mplibsvg\.h/upmplibsvg.h/;s/mpsvgout\.h/upmpsvgout.h/'
+upmp_sed_png  = 's/mplibpng\.h/upmplibpng.h/;s/mppngout\.h/upmppngout.h/'
+upmp_sed = sed -e $(upmp_sed_main) -e $(upmp_sed_math) -e $(upmp_sed_math_a) -e $(upmp_sed_ps) -e $(upmp_sed_svg) -e $(upmp_sed_png)
+# Creating one file: just one rule
+uptfmin.w: mplibdir/tfmin.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/tfmin.w > uptfmin.w
+uptfmin-tot.ch: ctie$(EXEEXT) uptfmin.w pmpostdir/jfm.ch upmpostdir/upjfm.ch
+	$(upmp_ctie) -c uptfmin-tot.ch uptfmin.w jfm.ch upjfm.ch
+uptfmin.c: ctangle$(EXEEXT) uptfmin.w uptfmin-tot.ch
+	$(upmp_ctangle) uptfmin uptfmin-tot.ch
+upmpost.w: mplibdir/mpost.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpost.w > upmpost.w
+upmpost-tot.ch: ctie$(EXEEXT) upmpost.w pmpostdir/mpost.ch upmpostdir/upmpost.ch
+	$(upmp_ctie) -c upmpost-tot.ch upmpost.w mpost.ch upmpost.ch
+upmpost.c: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpost.w upmpost-tot.ch
+	$(upmp_ctangle) upmpost upmpost-tot.ch
+# Creating several files: need stamp file and two rules with identical recipes
+upmp.w: mplibdir/mp.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mp.w > upmp.w
+upmp-tot.ch: ctie$(EXEEXT) upmp.w pmpostdir/jmp.ch upmpostdir/upjmp.ch
+	$(upmp_ctie) -c upmp-tot.ch upmp jmp.ch upjmp.ch
+$(upmp_c_h): upmp-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmp upmp-tot.ch
+upmp-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmp.w upmp-tot.ch tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmp upmp-tot.ch
+upmpmath.w: mplibdir/mpmath.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmath.w > upmpmath.w
+$(upmpmath_c_h): upmpmath-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmath
+upmpmath-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpmath.w tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmath
+upmpmathdecimal.w: mplibdir/mpmathdecimal.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmathdecimal.w > upmpmathdecimal.w
+$(upmpmathdecimal_c_h): upmpmathdecimal-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmathdecimal
+upmpmathdecimal-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpmathdecimal.w tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmathdecimal
+upmpmathbinary.w: mplibdir/mpmathbinary.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmathbinary.w > upmpmathbinary.w
+$(upmpmathbinary_c_h): upmpmathbinary-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmathbinary
+upmpmathbinary-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpmathbinary.w tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmathbinary
+upmpmathdouble.w: mplibdir/mpmathdouble.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpmathdouble.w > upmpmathdouble.w
+$(upmpmathdouble_c_h): upmpmathdouble-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmathdouble
+upmpmathdouble-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpmathdouble.w tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpmathdouble
+upmpstrings.w: mplibdir/mpstrings.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpstrings.w > upmpstrings.w
+$(upmpstrings_c_h): upmpstrings-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpstrings
+upmpstrings-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpstrings.w tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpstrings
+uppsout.w: mplibdir/psout.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/psout.w > uppsout.w
+uppsout-tot.ch: ctie$(EXEEXT) uppsout.w pmpostdir/jmppsw.ch upmpostdir/upjmppsw.ch
+	$(upmp_ctie) -c uppsout-tot.ch uppsout.w jmppsw.ch upjmppsw.ch
+$(uppsout_c_h): uppsout-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) uppsout uppsout-tot.ch
+uppsout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) uppsout.w uppsout-tot.ch tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) uppsout uppsout-tot.ch
+upsvgout.w: mplibdir/svgout.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/svgout.w > upsvgout.w
+upsvgout-tot.ch: ctie$(EXEEXT) upsvgout.w pmpostdir/svgout.ch upmpostdir/upsvgout.ch
+	$(upmp_ctie) -c upsvgout-tot.ch upsvgout.w svgout.ch upsvgout.ch
+$(upsvgout_c_h): upsvgout-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upsvgout upsvgout-tot.ch
+upsvgout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upsvgout.w upsvgout-tot.ch tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upsvgout upsvgout-tot.ch
+uppngout.w: mplibdir/pngout.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/pngout.w > uppngout.w
+$(uppngout_c_h): uppngout-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) uppngout
+uppngout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) uppngout.w tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) uppngout
+upmpxout.w: mplibdir/mpxout.w
+	$(upmp_sed) $(srcdir)/mplibdir/mpxout.w > upmpxout.w
+upmpxout-tot.ch: ctie$(EXEEXT) upmpxout.w pmpostdir/pdvitomp.ch upmpostdir/updvitomp.ch
+	$(upmp_ctie) -c upmpxout-tot.ch upmpxout.w pdvitomp.ch updvitomp.ch
+$(upmpxout_c_h): upmpxout-tangle
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpxout upmpxout-tot.ch
+upmpxout-tangle: ctangle$(EXEEXT) upmpxout.w upmpxout-tot.ch tangle-sh
+	@$(upmp_ctangle_sh) upmpxout upmpxout-tot.ch
+## pMetaPost CWeb sources
+upmpost_web = mplibdir/mpost.w mplibdir/mpxout.w
+upmpost_web += mplibdir/mp.w mplibdir/psout.w mplibdir/svgout.w mplibdir/pngout.w
+upmpost_web += mplibdir/mpmath.w mplibdir/mpmathbinary.w  mplibdir/mpmathdouble.w
+upmpost_web += mplibdir/mpmathdecimal.w mplibdir/mpstrings.w mplibdir/tfmin.w
+DISTCLEANFILES += $(nodist_upmpost_SOURCES)
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/updvitomp.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ at x
+ at d virtual_space 1000000 /* maximum total bytes of typesetting commands for virtual fonts */
+ at d max_fonts 1000 /* maximum number of distinct fonts per \.{DVI} file */
+ at d max_fnums 3000 /* maximum number of fonts plus fonts local to virtual fonts */
+ at d max_widths 512000 /* maximum number of different characters among all fonts */
+ at y
+ at d virtual_space 2000000 /* maximum total bytes of typesetting commands for virtual fonts */
+ at d max_fonts 1000 /* maximum number of distinct fonts per \.{DVI} file */
+ at d max_fnums 3000 /* maximum number of fonts plus fonts local to virtual fonts */
+ at d max_widths 2000000 /* maximum number of different characters among all fonts */
+ at z
+ at x
+@ PDVItoMP: |do_set_char| is called with non-virtual font.
+ at y
+@ upDVItoMP: |do_set_char| is called with non-virtual font.
+ at z
+ at x
+ at d Hi(x) (((x)>> 8) & 0xff)
+ at d Lo(x) ( (x)      & 0xff)
+ at y
+ at d BYTE1(x) (((x)>>24) & 0xff)
+ at d BYTE2(x) (((x)>>16) & 0xff)
+ at d BYTE3(x) (((x)>> 8) & 0xff)
+ at d BYTE4(x) ( (x)      & 0xff)
+ at z
+ at x
+void mpx_print_kanji_char (MPX mpx,integer c)
+ at y
+void mpx_print_kanji_char (MPX mpx,integer c)
+  int pflag;
+  pflag = 0; 
+ at z
+ at x
+  c=toBUFF(fromDVI(c));
+  putc2(Hi(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+  mpx->print_col++;
+  putc2(Lo(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+ at y
+  c=toBUFF(fromDVI(c));
+  if (BYTE1(c)!=0) pflag = 1;
+  if (pflag) {
+    putc2(BYTE1(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+    mpx->print_col++;
+  }
+  if (BYTE2(c)!=0) pflag = 1;
+  if (pflag) {
+    putc2(BYTE2(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+    mpx->print_col++;
+  }
+  if (BYTE3(c)!=0) pflag = 1;
+  if (pflag) {
+    putc2(BYTE3(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+    mpx->print_col++;
+  }
+  putc2(BYTE4(c), mpx->mpxfile);
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upjfm.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+% routine to process JFM file format
+ at x
+ at d read_two(A) { (A)=tfbyte;
+  if ( (A)>127 ) goto BAD_TFM;
+  tfget; (A)=(A)*0400+tfbyte;
+ at y
+ at d read_two(A) { (A)=tfbyte;
+  tfget; (A)=(A)*0400+tfbyte;
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upjmp.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% upMetaPost change file for MetaPost
+ at x
+ at d default_banner "This is pMetaPost, Version 1.999-0.04" /* printed when \MP\ starts */
+ at y
+ at d default_banner "This is upMetaPost, Version 1.999-0.04-u1.11" /* printed when \MP\ starts */
+ at z
+ at x
+#define metapost_version "1.999-0.04"
+ at y
+#define metapost_version "1.999-0.04-u1.11"
+ at z
+% lookup character type table
+ at x
+void mp_set_text_box (MP mp, mp_text_node p) {
+  font_number f;        /* |mp_font_n(p)| */
+ at y
+void mp_set_text_box (MP mp, mp_text_node p) {
+  integer cx; /* code for Japanese two byte character */
+  font_number f; /* |mp_font_n(p)| */
+ at z
+ at x
+    if (mp->font_id[f]!=0) {
+      cc=char_mp_info(f,mp_lookup_ctype(mp, f,fromBUFF(mp_text_p(p)->str,limit,k)));
+      k++;
+ at y
+    if (mp->font_id[f]!=0) {
+      if (multistrlen(mp_text_p (p)->str, kk, k)>1) {
+        cx=fromBUFF(mp_text_p (p)->str, kk, k);
+        k=k+multistrlen(mp_text_p (p)->str, kk, k)-1;
+      } else {
+        cx=*(mp_text_p (p)->str + k);
+      }
+      cc=char_mp_info(f,mp_lookup_ctype(mp, f, cx));
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upjmppsw.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+% change file of psout.w for jMetaPost (CWEB version)
+% Akira Kakuto (translated the WEB version)
+ at x
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+ at y
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+#include <ptexenc/unicode.h>
+ at z
+% Kanji string output
+ at x
+void mp_ps_kanji_string_out (MP mp, const char *s);
+ at y
+void mp_ps_kanji_string_out (MP mp, unsigned char *s);
+ at z
+ at x
+void mp_ps_kanji_string_out (MP mp, const char *s)
+int i, c;
+size_t len;
+len = strlen(s);
+mp_ps_print(mp, "<");
+while (i<len)
+  { if ( mp->ps->ps_offset+5>mp->max_print_line ) mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
+  c=toDVI(fromBUFF((ASCII_code*)s, i+2, i));
+  i=i+2;
+ at y
+void mp_ps_kanji_string_out (MP mp, unsigned char *s)
+int i, len;
+int c, cx;
+len = strlen(s);
+mp_ps_print(mp, "<");
+while (i<len) {
+  if ( mp->ps->ps_offset+5>mp->max_print_line )
+    mp_ps_print_ln(mp);
+  c=toDVI(fromBUFF(s, len, i));
+  i=i+multistrlen(s, len, i);
+  if (isinternalUPTEX && c>65535) {
+    cx=UTF32toUTF16HS(c); /* High surrogate */
+    mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Hi(cx) / 16);
+    mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Hi(cx) % 16);
+    mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Lo(cx) / 16);
+    mp_hex_digit_out(mp, Lo(cx) % 16);
+    c=UTF32toUTF16LS(c); /* Low surrogate */
+  }
+ at z
+ at x
+  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Creator: MetaPost (Japanese version) ");
+ at y
+  mp_ps_print_nl(mp, "%%Creator: MetaPost (upTeX version) ");
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upmpost.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ at x
+ at d TEX     "eptex"
+ at y
+ at d TEX     "euptex"
+ at z
+ at x
+#define MPXCOMMAND "pmakempx"
+ at y
+#define MPXCOMMAND "upmakempx"
+ at z
+ at x
+        const char *banner = "% Written by pmpost version ";
+ at y
+        const char *banner = "% Written by upmpost version ";
+ at z
+ at x
+      const char *banner = "% Written by pdvitomp version ";
+ at y
+      const char *banner = "% Written by updvitomp version ";
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is updvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is upMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+"Usage: pmpost [OPTION] [&MEMNAME] [MPNAME[.mp]] [COMMANDS]\n"
+"       pmpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Run pMetaPost on MPNAME, usually creating MPNAME.NNN (and perhaps\n"
+"  MPNAME.tfm), where NNN are the character numbers generated.\n"
+"  Any remaining COMMANDS are processed as pMetaPost input,\n"
+"  after MPNAME is read.\n\n"
+"  With a --dvitomp argument, pMetaPost acts as DVI-to-MPX converter only.\n"
+"  Call pMetaPost with --dvitomp --help for option explanations.\n\n");
+"  -ini                      be inipmpost, for dumping mem files\n"
+ at y
+"Usage: upmpost [OPTION] [&MEMNAME] [MPNAME[.mp]] [COMMANDS]\n"
+"       upmpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Run upMetaPost on MPNAME, usually creating MPNAME.NNN (and perhaps\n"
+"  MPNAME.tfm), where NNN are the character numbers generated.\n"
+"  Any remaining COMMANDS are processed as upMetaPost input,\n"
+"  after MPNAME is read.\n\n"
+"  With a --dvitomp argument, pMetaPost acts as DVI-to-MPX converter only.\n"
+"  Call upMetaPost with --dvitomp --help for option explanations.\n\n");
+"  -ini                      be iniupmpost, for dumping mem files\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is updvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "This is upMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+"Usage: pdvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"       pmpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPX file.\n\n");
+"  -progname=STRING          set program name to STRING\n"
+"  -kanji=STRING             set kanji encoding (sjis, jis, euc, utf8)\n"
+ at y
+"Usage: updvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"       upmpost --dvitomp DVINAME[.dvi] [MPXNAME[.mpx]]\n"
+"  Convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPX file.\n\n");
+"  -progname=STRING          set program name to STRING\n"
+"  -kanji=STRING             set kanji encoding (STRING=euc|jis|sjis|utf8|uptex)\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "pdvitomp (pMetaPost) %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "updvitomp (upMetaPost) %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+  fprintf(stdout, "pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at y
+  fprintf(stdout, "upMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION " (%s)\n", s, kpathsea_version_string);
+ at z
+ at x
+"Authors of pMetaPost: Michio Matsuyama, Hideyuki Suzuki.\n"
+ at y
+"Authors of upMetaPost: Michio Matsuyama, Hideyuki Suzuki, Takuji Tanaka.\n"
+ at z
+ at x
+  const char * banner = "This is pMetaPost, version ";
+ at y
+  const char * banner = "This is upMetaPost, version ";
+ at z
+ at x
+  enable_UPTEX (false);
+#if defined(WIN32)
+  set_enc_string("sjis", "sjis");
+  set_enc_string("utf8", "euc");
+ at y
+  enable_UPTEX (true);
+  set_enc_string("uptex", "uptex");
+ at z
+ at x
+  if(putenv(xstrdup("engine=pmpost")))
+ at y
+  if(putenv(xstrdup("engine=upmpost")))
+ at z
--- /dev/null
+++ texlive-bin/texk/web2c/upmpostdir/upsvgout.ch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ at x
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+ at y
+#include <ptexenc/ptexenc.h>
+#include <ptexenc/unicode.h>
+ at z
+ at x
+    if ( mp->font_id[gr_font_n(p)]!=0 ) {
+    l >>= 1;
+    while (l-->0) {
+         k =((int)*s++)*0x100; k += (int)*s++;
+         append_string("&#");
+         mp_svg_store_int(mp,toUCS(k));
+         append_char(';');
+       }
+    } else
+ at y
+    if ( mp->font_id[gr_font_n(p)]!=0 ) {
+        if  (is_internalUPTEX() ) { 
+            while (l>0) {
+	        append_string("&#");
+                mp_svg_store_int(mp,UTF8StoUCS(s));
+                append_char(';');
+                k = UTF8length((int)*s); s += k; l -= k; 
+            }
+        } else { /* 1 charatcer = 2 bytes */
+            l >>= 1;
+            while (l-->0) {
+                k =((int)*s++)*0x100; k += (int)*s++;
+                append_string("&#");
+                mp_svg_store_int(mp,toUCS(k));
+                append_char(';');
+            }
+        }
+    } else
+ at z

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