[tlbuild] powerpc-linux builds

Joachim Schrod jschrod at acm.org
Thu Mar 28 03:36:14 CET 2013

Karl Berry wrote:
>     (btw: I'm still using the clisp binary I compiled for TL 2010, is
>     that still OK or will we need a more recent one?)
> It's fine to keep the old version, there's no benefit to a newer clisp
> for our (xindy) purposes, and I do not advise updating without a
> specific reason to do.

If there would ever be a specific reason in the context of TeX
Live, I'd like to know about it.

> As it happens, I just went through the pain of updating clisp myself,
> since I had to start compiling for i386-linux in a new environment.  So
> I'll be updating the instructions in utils/README in a little while;I
> ran into some of the same problems that Mojca reported some time ago (*).

If you resolve the problem, could you please report about the
resolution here, or in private email to me? I'd like to know about

There's a long standing issue with core dumps on NetBSD concerning
CLISP and xindy. I'm happy to report that Chris Badura, a NetBSD
core developer and a friend of mine, has agreed to support me in
analyzing (and hopefully resolving) these problems.


Joachim Schrod, Roedermark, Germany
Email: jschrod at acm.org

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