[tlbuild] Installing the current snapshot

Angelo Graziosi angelo.graziosi at alice.it
Tue Oct 13 00:27:47 CEST 2009

Marco Pallante ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I used the UTF-8 file encoding both in the LEGGIMI (README) file and
> in the texlive-it.tex
> documentation source. If there is any problem, I could switch to Latin-1.
> Nevertheless, I can confirm this problem: when downloading, my browser
> (Firefox) assumes
> Latin-1 encoding and doesn't show any of the accented characters.
> However, manually
> switching to the UTF-8 encoding, everything goes right.

Just for the sake of completeness...

Emacs says that in the ISO image[1], the file 
'/cdrom/readme-txt.dir/README.IT' is encoded as 'iso-latin-1-unix'. This 
seems to be confirmed by Firefox and IE8, which are configured to detec 
automatically the encoding systems of web pages.

Indeed, [2] is detected as UTF-8 and looks right, instead [3,4] are 
detected as Western ISO-8859-1, and look wrong.


[1] ftp://tug.org/texlive/Images/test/texlive2009-20091011.iso.xz



[4] http://www.tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Master/readme-txt.dir/README.IT

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