[tlbuild] Error testing build from repository

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Jun 8 00:57:02 CEST 2009

Hi John,

    The documentation (http://www.tug.org/texlive/build.html) leaves out
    a critical step.  It says to copy the built binaries to the correct
    directory in Master/bin.

No, what it leaves out is the specific explanation of the "correct
directory", which is the TL name such as i386-linux, not the
config.guess name such as i686-pc-linux-gnu.

Furthermore, as you've discovered, you can't copy the single latex
binary into an empty directory.  The automatic format-creation stuff
depends on subprograms like mktexfmt being available.

    Then it says to try "latex small2e." It neglects to 
    point out that one needs to run the installer in between... 

Running the installer is neither required nor desirable in this instance.
That's a completely different scenario.

Overall, the purpose of that section is for people who are building
binaries for TL to be able to test them before giving them to me :).

I made some updates to tug.org/texlive/build.html, but it is still
pretty sparse and always will be.

Happy compiling :),

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