[tlbuild] Testing cxx-runtime-hack -- V 1.1

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Jan 26 00:42:26 CET 2009

    It does compile with gcc-3.3.

Excellent, thanks.

    I'm still not convinced that including a deprecated header 

At first blush it looks like we can change the code to use
#include <iostream>
  using namespace std; /* or whatever is needed */

    and relying on antiquated compilers is the best solution,

It's still a good idea to use the oldest available compiler, though.  It
is no panacea, but the resulting binaries are the most likely to run on
the most systems.


P.S. Triple fie on "standards" committees who decide to break the
hello,world program for their language!  Sheesh.

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