[tlbuild] powerpc-linux

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu Jun 5 00:34:36 CEST 2008

    Build script ran fine. Karl, I put a tar.gz of the powerpc-linux  
    binaries into my account at tug.org (tschmitz). 

Thanks, I updated it.

    Are you really going to ship tl2008 with a pdftex beta? That might
    scare many users...

1) well, we've done it before.  I don't recall a single person reporting
   any concern or even noticing :).  

2) we'll be building again, never fear.  It's not really a beta, no
   further code changes are planned.  Thanh offered to make a real
   release now, but I said it would be pointless, since inevitably the
   process of our doing the builds that will introduce more changes.
   Chicken and egg, etc.  (Surprisingly, no changes so far, it seems --
   but I bet that will change when people start actually using/testing
   the binaries. :)


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