[texworks] german umlaut in TeXWorks

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at gmx.de
Mon Jul 31 00:05:08 CEST 2023

On 2023-07-30 at 12:18:10 +0200, Wilhelm Koen via texworks wrote:

 > Hello!
 > Where and how can i install the german Umlauts in  TeXWorks?
 > The Words
 > genügte natürlich
 > looks like
 > genï¿ 1gtenatï¿221 rlich
 > after setting the Text.

LaTeX uses UTF-8 as the default input encoding for some years now.

But if your MiKTeX is as old as your Windows you probably have to
add the line


to the preamble.

This is not necessary with newer TeX Live or MiKTeX releases and I
*strongly* recommend to upgrade your TeX installation.  You are still
using a MiKTeX version from the stone age (2.9) but the current
release is 23.5.

The problem with such old TeX distributions is that nobody can
reproduce the errors you encounter.


 > ----- configuration info -----
 > TeXworks version : 0.6.3r.a2470cac (MiKTeX 2.9.7140 64-bit)
 > Install location : D:/Programme/TeX/miktex/bin/x64/miktex-texworks.exe
 > Library path : C:/Users/Wilhelm H. 
 > Koen/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/TeXworks/0.6\
 > pdfTeX location : D:/Programme/TeX/miktex/bin/x64/pdftex.exe
 > Operating system : Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, Service Pack 1, build 
 > 7601
 > Qt version : 5.12.4 (build) / 5.12.4 (runtime)
 > ------------------------------

Reinhard Kotucha                            Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                    mailto:reinhard.kotucha at gmx.de

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