[texworks] german umlaut in TeXWorks

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 14:29:27 CEST 2023

On 30/07/2023 6:18 a.m., Wilhelm Koen via texworks wrote:
> Hello!
> Where and how can i install the german Umlauts in  TeXWorks?
> The Words
> genügte natürlich
> looks like
> genï¿ 1gtenatï¿221 rlich
> after setting the Text.

That's a TeX issue, not TeXWorks.  You can use a different engine than 
pdftex (e.g. XeTeX), or if you're using LaTeX, use a package to support 
non-ascii characters.  You can also use one of the old escapes for 
umlauts; it's been a while since I used those, but I think

   gen\"ugte nat\"urlich

might be what you want.

Duncan Murdoch

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