[texworks] Bibliography

Anna Adele Penna annaadele02 at yahoo.it
Sat Apr 29 01:00:18 CEST 2023

I’m currently writing my BSc thesis using Latex, using BibDesk to manage my bibliography. Everything seems okay, I can visualise the pdf document perfectly, the only problem is that I cannot import my bibliography. Could you suggest me the packages and codes that I am supposed to use? So far, I have tried with:

\addbibresource{/Users/.../Desktop/bibliography.bib}  (off with the directory and the name of my bibliography file)

The only thing I get is a blank page when I use the command \printbibliography, but I don’t understand why… Also, when I cite a document using its cite key, it doesn’t work.
For example, if I write: \cite{doc1}, then I get "[doc1]” in the text. (I’m using as cite keys names like doc1, doc2, etc…). 

Thanks in advance for your help

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Anna Adele Penna

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