[texworks] Query and feature request

Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Sat Apr 15 11:44:07 CEST 2023

Using the most recent version of TeXworks, I have found an oddity in the 
search functionality of the preview window — if I search for (e.g.,) ω 
in a freshly-opened preview window, it finds the first occurrence 
thereof; thereafter, it finds the next occurrence, and then the next, 
and so on, and there appears no way to reset the start of search.  I am 
launching the search using Ctrl+F, for which the default binding obtains 
— my "Shortcuts.ini" contains only :

> actionFind_Again = F3
> actionShow_Hide_Console = Ctrl+/
> actionGo_to_Line = Ctrl+G
My feature request is related.  Would it be possible to make the found 
string in the preview window infinitely more visible than currently ?  
The found string appears to be briefly highlit with a pale shade of 
yellow, which repidly disappears long before I can spot it, especially 
at "fit-to-page" rendering; could it please be a fully-saturated shade 
of yellow which remains on-screen until I dismiss it in some way — e.g., 
a new search or whatever, or perhaps <escape> if I do not wish to 
perform a new search ?

/Philip Taylor/

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