[texworks] (no subject)

Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Wed Jan 11 18:58:29 CET 2023

On 11/01/2023 14:27, Macmillan, Daniel S. (GSFC-61A.0)[NVI INC] via 
texworks wrote:
> I tried to compile a LaTeX document and get the following error message:
> expl3-code.tex 
> <texworks:C:%5CUsers%5Cdmacmill%5CAppData%5CRoaming%5CMiKTeX%5C2.9%5Ctex%5Clatex%5Cl3kernel%5Cexpl3-code.tex#32179>
> 32179
> LaTeX Error: File 'GraphemeBreakProperty.txt' not found.
> For immediate help type H <return>.
>  ...
> l.32179 ..._data_ior { GraphemeBreakProperty.txt }
> How do I get this file and make it accessible

Well, Google found a copy here 
if I were you, I would try downloading it and placing it in the same 
directory as your source file.

/Philip Taylor/

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