[texworks] Possible bug in file name/extension handling

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 06:44:28 CEST 2022


On 24.10.22 12:19, Philip Taylor (Small Acres) wrote:
> On 24/10/2022 09:51, Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) wrote:
>> Many thanks, but sadly I cannot replicate your success here (Version 
>> 0.7 ("github") [r.b3eea59, 23/10/2022 13:25]).  Trying to save as 
>> "MM3.Skips" still yields "MM3.Skips.tex", and even changing the 
>> filename to MM3a.Skips still creates a ".tex" file.
> In case relevant —

Excellent catch, it definitely is

>> # To override the built-in list of file types in the File/Open dialog,
>> # uncomment and customize these entries:
>> #
>> file-open-filter:    TeX documents (*.tex)
>> file-open-filter: Algol-68 files (*.a68)
>> # file-open-filter:    LaTeX documents (*.ltx)
>> # file-open-filter:    Log files (*.log *.blg)
>> # file-open-filter:    BibTeX databases (*.bib)
>> # file-open-filter:    Style files (*.sty)
>> # file-open-filter:    Class files (*.cls)
>> # file-open-filter:    Documented macros (*.dtx)
>> # file-open-filter:    Auxiliary files (*.aux *.toc *.lot *.lof *.nav 
>> *.out *.snm *.ind *.idx *.bbl *.brf)
>> file-open-filter:    Text files (*.txt)
>> file-open-filter:    PDF documents (*.pdf)
>> file-open-filter:    All files (*)

It's the last line for which I changed the default in code to get this 
working. Since you have this custom config (that overrides the default), 
please change the "All files (*)" to "All files (*.*)" there. Hopefully 
that should do the trick.


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