[texworks] Possible bug in TeXworks previewer

Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Sun Oct 2 10:49:49 CEST 2022

TeXworks (version and environment as per preceding recent possible bug 
reports) routinely displays "actual size" incorrectly when a document is 
first previewed.

If, however, one uses Edit/Preferences/Preview to (a) /increase /the 
screen resolution by one notch — e.g., from 81.40 dpi to 82.40 dpi — and 
clicks on [OK], and (b) to /decrease /the screen resolution by one notch 
and clicks on [OK], the document then renders at actual size — also true 
if the steps are taken in the reverse order.  Found to be the case for 
two recent projects, the smaller of which was typesetting a score card 
with dimensions 8cm x 21cm (attached, in case relevant).

/Philip Taylor/

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% !TeX Program=XeTeX

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