[texworks] Loading the document class

Bernard Fischli ab.fischli at sunrise.ch
Fri Apr 29 15:12:23 CEST 2022

The command :  \documentclass{aa}  delivers the message :  file ‘aa.cls’ not found. But I can open the aa.cls file on the display of TeXstudio. How can I get the above TeXstudio command to find the aa.cls file ? 
Best regards
Bernard Fischli

----- configuration info -----
TeXworks version : 0.6.5r.649699a0
MiKTeX version   : MiKTeX 21.2
Install location : C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/miktex-texworks.exe
Library path     : C:/Users/abfis/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/TeXworks/0.6\
pdfTeX location  : C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/pdftex.exe
Operating system : Windows 10 Home, 64-bit, build 19044
Qt version       : 5.15.2 (build) / 5.15.0 (runtime)
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