[texworks] Fwd: Call for Help: Testing

Johannes Heck heck.johannes at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 11:45:43 CET 2022

I'm sorry,
I sent my reply only to Stefan.
Here's what I wanted to write to the whole list:

Hi there,

I've just installed the nightly, some first impressions:
I like the new default syntax highlighting (I've been using
MiKTex's version before, my highlighting was different somehow).
I also like the new draggable ruler, but: I miss a changing mouse pointer
when hovering the ruler, so that it's obvious that there is something
draggable hidden, the "hand" pointer e.g.
Another point is: on my ruler, the zero-point is captioned with
"2.22045e-16". Is this an insider joke or an Bug? Why isn't it just "0"?

Thanks for pushing that project,

Am Mi., 16. Feb. 2022 um 17:10 Uhr schrieb Stefan Löffler <
st.loeffler at gmail.com>:

> Dear TeXworks users,
> a new minor release (0.6.7) is around the corner, which will hopefully
> make it into TeXLive 2022. To get ready for that, I ask you to test the
> latest version of TeXworks. It is available at the following (new!)
> locations:
> Windows:
> https://nightly.link/TeXworks/texworks/workflows/cd/master/TeXworks-Windows
> Mac OS X:
> https://nightly.link/TeXworks/texworks/workflows/cd/master/TeXworks-macOS
> Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/~texworks/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
> Source code: https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks
> Since the last stable release, several bugs have been found and fixed,
> in addition to internal code refactoring. The most notable new features are
> * a modified color scheme that should work better when using the
> operating system's dark mode
> * a ruler with draggable guidelines in the PDF previewer
> * code that prevents multiple typesetting processes on the same file (in
> a multi-source scenario; see
> https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/issues/911); additionally, "Remove
> aux files" is now disabled during typesetting
> If you use TeXworks on macOS, there are a few additional aspects to test:
> * the development builds linked above contain two app images for macOS:
> one that should work on macOS 10.15 and later and one for macOS 10.12
> and later (which includes older versions of the bundled libraries).
> Please check if they indeed work as advertised
> * additionally, please verify that the macOS builds look and behave as
> any other native macOS application
> Note that the latest version should be quite stable (obviously, since
> we're heading towards a release), but of course there are no guarantees
> (that's what this testing call is for). So if you are in the middle of a
> very important project, it might be advisable to stick to whichever
> version has already proven to work for you in the past.
> As a side note, the TeXworks project is always looking for contributors.
> This is by no means limited to C++ coders. For example, TeXworks is
> translated to a number of languages. However, some translations (notably
> Arabic, Czech, Farsi, and Turkish) have not been updated in quite some
> time. If you want to help update them (or translate TeXworks to an
> additional language), please have a look at
> https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/wiki/Translating. Also, please
> don't forget to drop a note on the mailing list to avoid having several
> people working side-by-side on the same language without knowing of one
> another.
> For some further ways of contributing to the project, have a look at
> http://www.tug.org/texworks/#How_can_you_help.
> All the best,
> Stefan
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