[texworks] TeXworks — buglet and requested feature.

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 22:38:57 CEST 2021

Dear Philip,

On 19.10.21 11:10, Philip Taylor wrote:
> On 24/05/2021, 12:01, Philip Taylor wrote:
>> Buglet — let source documents A and B be concurrently open in 
>> TeXworks, and let document A be the currently active one.  Using the 
>> "Window" menu, make document B active, and press Ctrl+F. Focus is 
>> transferred back to document A and the search carried out therein, 
>> whereas the intention was to search document B.
>> Feature request — still desperate (and increasingly so) for draggable 
>> rulers.  PLEASE !  Oh, and Ctrl-0 for "fit the screen", in addition 
>> to the current Ctrl-3.
> The "buglet" is really becoming a pain in the fundament — may I 
> respectfully ask if there is any likelihood of it (and ideally the 
> feature request, which I also desperately need) being addressed in the 
> foreseeable future ?

The "buglet" should have been fixed back in June 
So the current "development version" of TeXworks should work as 
intended. Could you perhaps check?

Regarding the feature request: as you may have noticed (from me not 
committing/posting much recently) I currently have extremely little time 
to work on TeXworks, unfortunately. I hope this will get better 
eventually, but if someone else wants to implement this feature request 
(or others) in the meantime and send a pull request that is always welcome!


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