[texworks] save preferences

p.andreo at gmail.com p.andreo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 20:06:16 CEST 2021

Following an update with MikTeX Console, any change made to the preferences
or settings of TeXworks is lost. Any tex file always open with a tiny font
(MS Shell Dlg 2, 8pt), spelling defaults to en_US, and Window settings are
lost. Is there any way to save preferences and settings?. I have tried to
"File/Save All", without results, and cannot find a settings file. Thanks.

----- configuration info ----- 
TeXworks version : 0.6.6 (MiKTeX) [r.24442ac0, 2021-03-11 11:03] 
MiKTeX version   : MiKTeX 21.10 
Install location : C:/Program Files/MiKTeX
Library path     : C:/Users/Pandreo/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/TeXworks/0.6/ 
pdfTeX location  : C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/pdftex.exe 
Operating system : Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, Service Pack 1, build
Qt version       : 5.15.2 (build) / 5.15.2 (runtime) 

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