[texworks] sh: lualatex: command not found

Arno Trautmann arno.trautmann at gmx.de
Mon Sep 2 21:42:54 CEST 2019

Hi Stefan,

On 9/2/19 9:35 PM, Stefan Löffler wrote:> Hi Arno,
 > On 02.09.19 11:23, Arno Trautmann wrote:
 >> On 7/15/19 3:06 PM, Arno Trautmann wrote:
 >>> Hi Stefan,
 >>> On 7/13/19 11:25 AM, Stefan Löffler wrote:
 >>>> Hi Arno,
 >>>> On 07.07.19 13:36, Arno Trautmann wrote:
 >>>>> I have weird behavior of texworks when trying to externalize a tikz
 >>>>> figure an in the example below. texworks tells me
 >>>>> ––
 >>>>> sh: lualatex: command not found
 >>>>> ––
 >>>>> However if I call in my terminal:
 >>>>> ––
 >>>>> sh-5.0$ lualatex
 >>>>> This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019)
 >>>>> ––
 >>>>> So sh knows lualatex. Also, this did work since a long time and
 >>>>> suddenly
 >>>>> stopped about last week. I get the externalization when calling from
 >>>>> terminal, so it seems that texworks is calling something wrong but I
 >>>>> cannot figure out what.
 >>>> As far as Tw is concerned, there were no relevant changes to the
 >>>> code in
 >>>> the past few weeks.
 >>> Ok, interesting …
 >>>> I am a bit surprised that lualatex is explicitly called through sh...
 >>>> maybe you could check the definition of the lualatex typesetting tool?
 >>>> Also, can you trace down where lualatex is placed and how it's
 >>>> On my system, it's a maze of symlinks that ultimately points to
 >>>> That could potential;y also cause problems if all symlinks are
 >>>> and luatex is called instead of lualatex...
 >>> /home/texlive2019/bin/x86_64-linux/lualatex
 >>> How do I check the definition? Or what kind of information would you
 >>> need?
 > To check, you can e.g. run in a terminal
 > ls -l /home/texlive2019/bin/x86_64-linux/lualatex
 > If it's a symlink, it should point (with "->") to the target. Than you
 > can "ls -l" the target until no -> redirection is found anymore. But I
 > would first try the suggestion below before going down this rabbit hole.

$ls -l /home/texlive2019/bin/x86_64-linux/lualatex
lrwxrwxrwx 1 arno wheel 6 Oct  3  2018
/home/texlive2019/bin/x86_64-linux/lualatex -> luatex

$ls -l /home/texlive2019/bin/x86_64-linux/luatex
-rwxr-xr-x 1 arno wheel 6545664 Apr 10 17:08

 >>> This is the output of tw with env:
 >>> [...]
 > I just noticed that your path, i.e. /home/texlive2019/bin/x86_64-linux/,
 > does not show up here. Can you try adding it under Edit > Preferences >
 > Typesetting > Paths for TeX and related programs?
It is already added in the GUI and works (e.g. I can change between tl18
and tl19 by changing the order of the paths there)


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