[texworks] Windows: ver 0.6.3 TeXworks paths, and running as Portable

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 09:12:29 CEST 2019

P.S. its probably best (mandatory?) to make the ./config  folder/diretory

On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 19:10, Paul A Norman <paul.a.norman at gmail.com> wrote:

> I had another go at this and tried the old  texworks-setup.ini - can't
> find any contemporary documentation for it though, are there any issues
> with still using it?...
> (If you have run TeXworks already for the first time you have to remove
> the TUG Registry key completely and delete the texworks directory in your
> Windows personal folder. All locatable from the menu: Help/Settings and
> Resources )
> Make a plain text file in the directory where you have unzipped TeXworks
> into (before running it for the first time)
> texworks-setup.ini
> And in it place something like...
> defaultbinpaths = ../../../LatexUtils/MiTeX 2.8.3541 Portabe/miktex/bin/
> inipath = ./config/
> libpath = ./config/
> All looks good so far - is that approach still stable?
> TIA,
> Paul
> On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 12:53, Paul A Norman <paul.a.norman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> (This may all be Windows specific..)
>> I've been successfully running TeXworks as a Portable application out of
>> the box.
>> Till recently for compatibility and stability in my whole LaTeX set-up,
>> I'd frozen my LaTeX utilities at around 2016 and before. This also enabled
>> me to run everything as a Portable working copy when necessary.
>> So I've just looked at updating from TeXworks var 0.4.5 to 0.6.3 looking
>> forward to the improvements and enhancements especially in the pdf viewer.
>> I used the downloadable zip, not the installer, intending to continue
>> using TeXworks as a Portable version.
>> And discovered that Scripts et al.. have been moved in a previous
>> revision meanwhile to a "personal" User directory under Windows
>> administration.
>> This of course makes a Registry entry, and I found the helpful
>> information for that under  Help/Settings and Resources.
>> However sometimes if you are moving around you are not allowed to make
>> registry entries, and you want your personalised stuff and settings with
>> you in a Portable set-up, as it used to be - all under the TeXworks main
>> folder.
>> As all this happens when TeXworks is first run, I wondered if there was
>> already a configuration setting somewhere, or on the command line(?), that
>> would disable that, and have things instead in the main TeXworks folder as
>> before please?
>> I've checked through Preferences but can't see anything for controlling
>> all  this there.
>> Can TeXworks detect on first run that existing directories and files were
>> already copied/moved into place before first run, and if so, not do
>> anything with the Windows Registry please - or just make the necessary
>> adjustments in place?
>> Any help appreciated please.
>> TIA
>> paul
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