[texworks] Small bug in formatting the layout of the preview and in language selection

Tommaso Seneci ttoommxx at gmail.com
Thu May 23 15:21:23 CEST 2019

Dear Texworks developer,
I would like to report tow small bugs that I found.

1) When I set the preview of the document as "Fit to Width", the documents
gets stretch "kind" of exactly, say in my case 74.34 in my external monitor
"ProLite 82409HDS" in portrait mode (I simply rotated the screen in the
display settings in manjaro). The problem is that the percentage is
slightly bigger than it should, and the preview can slide horizontally of 1
or 2 pixel. This is extremely annoying especially when I scroll the preview
very fast vertically, as it jiggles around all the time. Maybe it would be
better if the percentage was set automatically to the smallest integer, as
74 does the job very well for me.

2) I installed hunspell-en languages, both American and British, and along
with those two a lot of other English languages came as well (Hong-Kong
english, Namibia english, Philippines english etc). If I select the
language from the box "edit" in the toolbar, then I can see them all.
Whereas, if I select the default language in the settings, I can see only
two. To solve this problem temporary, I manually downloaded the GB language
dictionary files and moved them to the folder /usr/share/myspell/dicts

Best, Tommaso

----- configuration info -----
TeXworks version : 0.6.3r.a2470cac (AUR)
Install location : /usr/bin/texworks
Library path     : /home/tommaso/.TeXworks/
pdfTeX location  : /usr/bin/pdftex
Operating system : Linux tommaso-pc 4.19.42-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri
May 10 20:52:43 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Qt version       : 5.12.3 (build) / 5.12.3 (runtime)
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