[texworks] PDF viewer

Yuta Ando yutaando at usc.edu
Fri Mar 29 07:56:50 CET 2019

To whom it may concern,

The pdfLaTeX is not updating the changes I make in the script. How can I change this? Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you!


----- configuration info -----
TeXworks version : 0.6.3r.a2470ca (travis-ci)
Install location : C:/Users/Yuta Ando/Documents/TeXworks/TeXworks.exe
Library path     : C:/Users/Yuta Ando/TeXworks\
pdfTeX location  : not found
Operating system : Windows 10, 64-bit
Qt version       : 5.12.1 (build) / 5.12.1 (runtime)
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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