[texworks] Useful tool gone missing in MiKTeX

Dr A K Hannaby keith_hannaby at mathshelp.com
Sat Mar 10 17:25:17 CET 2018

Tug members

Some years ago, when I first started using MiKTeX in the days of version
2.7, when I performed a "find", the program returned "how many" matched
items it had found.

(For one thing, the size of the result - it might have been hundreds -
confirmed that my search was as I had intended.)

I had less expertise then than I have now - so it was nothing clever!

Then, suddenly, the facility disappeared.

Does anyone know why, and is it possible to get it back in MiKTeX 2.9?

[I've got the usual "find" and "find and replace" working without any




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