[texworks] Adding Supplemental Paths for LaTeX Resources

Michael Wirtzfeld michael.wirtzfeld at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 20:43:27 CEST 2014

Good afternoon,

I am currently working with a large LaTeX document and have all my
resources (i.e. graphic-files, etc.) in the same directory and
sub-directories.  I use the GRAPHICSPATH-syntax in my main TEX-file to
flesh-out the necessary directories.  For example,

\graphicspath{ {./10_Figures/} {./10_Figures/00_Place_Holders/} }

I've rooted around in the archive and found a couple of posts which try to
address this matter.  One solution suggests adding the required path in the
".bashrc" file using EXPORT.  The other solution suggests adding optional
arguments for the processing tool set in the preferences.

I've tried adding the required path in the ".bashrc" file, but I'm not 100%
sure of the syntax.  Typesetting fails because it can not find a
PDF-graphic stored in the appended directory.

I've tried adding the option "--tex-option" with "-include-directory", but
again typesetting fails for the same reason noted above.  My syntax is,


Any suggestions or clarification of my syntax will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Michael Wirtzfeld

Ph.D. Candidate, Auditory Engineering Laboratory
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
McMaster University

Engineering Technology Building (ETB), Room 301/303A
1280 Main Street, West
Hamilton, Ontario  CANADA
L8S 4K1

Phone:  905-525-9140, Ext. 21940
E-mail:  michael.wirtzfeld[ at ]gmail.com
<michael.wirtzfeld at gmail.com>, wirtzfmr[
at ]grads.ece.mcmaster.ca <wirtzfmr at grads.ece.mcmaster.ca>
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