[texworks] TeXWorks, adding tool: problem with path

Matthieu Stigler matthieu.stigler at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 15:21:27 CEST 2013


I am using TeXworks and trying to add another "typesetter" knitr, a mix of
R code embedded in Latex. Some people have been sucessful at doing it, see:

However, when trying to do the same, I inevitably end up with the message:
The system cannot find the path specified.

This comes from the fact probably that I did not add the path to Rscript as
global variable, but I thought that either entering the full path in the
typesetting tools, or entering the path to Rscript in the window above
(Path for tex...) that would work, but no...

So my question:
1) To what does the message "The system cannot find the path specified."
exactly refer? Can I have a more verbose output, so that I can see exactly
which path it tries?

2) I see in pref/typeset path to tex that all path use the backslash \,
however when I enter it with the browse function I get slashes /, could
that explain the problem?

Thanks a lot!!

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