[texworks] Problems with proxy and -shell-escape (WinXP, TexLive2011)

David Martens David.Martens at wits.ac.za
Thu Mar 14 09:57:08 CET 2013

-----Original Message-----
On 14 March 2013 03:10 AM Reinhard Kotucha wrote:

>On 2013-03-13 at 14:41:33 +0000, Ubaldo Tiberi wrote:

> > Hi have installed TexLive2011, and I cannot download packages with  > tlmgr.  However, they provided me a proxy server to use in order to  > download packets from my building, but I cannot find where to  > insert this information. Could you please help me?

>As Herbert said, tlmgr supports updating for the current release of TeX Live.  

tlmgr will use wget for proxy situations. Once you have TexLive 2012 installed, set proxy for wget (in /etc/wgetrc on my distro).
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