[texworks] Path and preferences

Alain Delmotte alain.delmotte at leliseron.org
Wed Jan 30 09:26:29 CET 2013


For the moment I am trying ConTeXt.

There is ConTeXt in TeX Live, but it is not regularly 
updated and ConTeXt changes from one day to the other. So I 
installed a standalone version in its own folder (adding the 
path to the Windows path variable).

In TeXworks I had to put the path of ConTeXt before the path 
to TeX Live; if not TeXworks was looking in TeX Live first, 
finding there some of the required, but outdated, files for 

My question is: are the paths in "Preferences / Composition 
necessary"; are they not redundant with the Windows' path?

I ask, because I have TeX Live 2011 and 2012 installed.
Some time ago I wanted to use a package, which I updated in 
2012, but it was still not working.
The problem was that the call to pdflatex had a full path 
pointing to 2011 and then the search was to 2011 outdated 
files (I'll suppress 2011 soon).
Suppressing the path in the call to pdflatex solved the 
problem (as far as I can remember).



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